The Five Common Modern Designs Of Tattoo In Nigeria

It is now becoming a common trend in Nigeria to draw a tattoo which is seen as a unique way of beautifying one’s body; this beautification comes in various designs, colours, and shapes.

What is a tattoo?

The tattoo could be defined as a specialised form of the body drawing where needles, ink, dye, or pigments are used to make either temporal or permanent form of designs of artwork on the dermis layer of the skin; which some believed makes one stand out among others.

People draw tattoos on various parts of their body either because of their profession, belief system, or other reason best known to them. For instance, the tattoo is commonly found among people into sports and entertainment industry.

Irrespective of the so many kinds of tattoo designs available, there are specifically modern designs of tattoos commonly seen or drawn in Nigeria and globally today.

These modern tattoos are explained below;

Sports Tattoos

Most sports athletes or sports lovers always desire to have their body tattooed in areas that can be visible, this kind of tattoo may likely include images like a football, a basketball net, the sports club logo, a figure such as a footballer, a celebrity football and various designs that might relate to the kind of sports the person is engaged in or that he or she likes.

Celebrity Tattoos

This type of tattoo is usually designed by people who are in love with the entertainment industry such as theatre arts, popular public speakers and other related individuals, such person put on wears that will expose the parts where the tattoo is drawn.

The kinds of tattoos usually drawn in this case include popular celebrities’ faces, their names, and related others.

Animal and pet tattoo

The animal type of tattoo is very expensive; it requires the services of a skilled artist who can draw any kind of animal.

It is usually drawn on the hand chest, forehead, and other areas of the body depending on the individual.

People into wrestling, football, basketball, lovers of animals are major patronisers of this type of tattoo.

Flowers and Nature tattoo

This comes in beautiful and colourful designs including all kinds of flowers, trees and plants, and anything that has to do with nature such as sun, stars, and the rest.

It is commonly seen on women and looks less fierce than some other kinds of tattoos which might look scary.

Name Tattoos

This kind of tattoo is common among individuals that lost their loved ones or are in love with the person, it can also be best friend’s name, kid’s name, celebrity’s name, their own name and more, the names is written in various designs and colour, some designs might be bold, too bold or small depending on the choice of the individual.

Though there are lots of tattoos designs, these are more common in Nigeria and in most parts of Africa; there is a type of tattoo that is specifically common in Nigeria and Africa and that is Tribal Mark Tattoo; though we call that a tribal mark but it is generally regarded as tattoos.

Some ethnic grouping has tribal tattoo marks which distinguish them from others; some of them create their tribal marks with fashionable designs on their children, and teenagers.

Tattoo designs a non-verbal expression describing the type of person wearing it. Tattoos' designs day by day advance as technology advances, the advancement of tattoos may not be basically on the drawing itself but on the new design techniques used. 

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