How to Open a Games Rental Shop in Nigeria

How to Open a Games Rental Shop in Nigeria 

Nigeria has continued to experience innovation in the computer world. One of such innovation is the computer games.  An average Nigerian enjoys computer games and can spend time playing these games even at the expense of his job.

Most developed cites in Nigeria have games rental shops in popular places where people can easily access them. These games shops have continued to witness appreciable turn out of people who are interested in playing one type of computer games or another. 


Opening a games rental shop can be rewarding to persons equipped with the requisite knowledge of the right approach for successfully operating the game shop. Sometimes, some games shops have closed down due to low patronage. This shows that the expectations of the people in a normal games shop were not met.


Nigerians who want to establish a lucrative games shop should know that a number of things count for them to continue attracting potential customers to their games shop. 


The location of a games shop determines the level of patronage; therefore establish your game shop in a street with a good number of young men. Don’t establish your games shop in a place with private buildings or estate as the rich because of security reasons will not come to your game shop to play computer game; instead they can even buy and play in their homes. Nigerians believes in business before pleasure; therefore locating your game shop in their business environment will not make them to leave business to play games.


Decorate your game shop

There is a need for you to tile, paint and beautify your shop in an attracting manner. Nigerians love clean environments and as a result, will prefer coming to play games in your shop than somewhere else. You can also use flowers and artworks to decorate your game shop inside out.


Purchase the necessary electronics

If you want to generate reasonable money in this business, you need to purchase many video games and televisions as well. Since power is not steady in Nigeria; it will speak well for you to either go for solar energy or purchase generating set so as to have alternative power supply when there is power interruption.


Purchase furniture

Buy attracting furniture as it will add to the aesthetics of your game shop. Things like seats, tables and so on are needed in a game shop. You can contact a local furniture maker to design furniture for you in accordance with your specification.


Register your game shop

Nigeria police always come to arrest people in games shops; therefore there is a need for you to register with relevant authorities in your local government or state so as to give legal backing to your games shop. Display the registration certificate on the wall to prove to government agents that your business has a government back up.

A game shop is an innovation that is largely patronized by youths who enjoy following the trend in the computer world. A lot of young people tend to show how skilful they are by playing with new games that can challenge their intuition.

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