Ways to Start Your Own Flower Farm Business

Flowering plants, in other words, called angiosperms are seed-producing plants and most diverse group of land plants that are easy to grow, produce quickly and supplies income all season long.

Almost every building in cities and towns are now been decorated with flowering plants and trees which are alluring to sight. Steps to follow for starting a flower horticulture farm business is narrated here.

Engaging in this kind of business also known as horticulture is very profitable because in most cases people prefer natural and fresh flowers and plants to their counterparts. Someone who loves flower gardening can easily turn it into the hobby to generate extra income through commercial flower gardening.

This kind of business is lucrative but requires proper maintenance, care, patience and dedication before you can start seeing results.

Do you know that you can start a commercial flower gardening on a small space and generate supplemental income from the comfort of your home?

Flower farm business is not just like any other business, in the kind of business you have to gain enough knowledge that will make you succeed.

This article will provide you with a clear insight on the steps to follow in order to enjoy the huge income associated with flower farm business.

Consider things like what kind of soil is good for the flower you choose to start with, what are their daily essential needs? How do I take care of them? and lots more. When you have gotten the answers to your question that’s when you can decide to find suitable land for the flower farm.

1.    Map Out A Suitable Site For Garden

You cannot use any type of site for commercial flower gardening. Endeavor to search and get a suitable site that is appropriate for flowering plants, specifically the type of flower you are staring with.

Some kinds of flowers need full sunlight to do well and so you have to provide them with such an atmosphere. On the other hand, others require shade which you have to provide to ensure a successful business.

Flowering plants, also known as angiosperms are the type of plants that need a suitable site to yield beyond expectations. Therefore, you have to plant your flowers in the right place.

Most importantly, the location will be considered best if it is near the main source of water as it will cut the cost of procuring water for the farm.

2.    Know the Capital And Equipment Required

Flower farming business is a profitable venture that yields a better return on investment.

As a beginner ready to invest in this kind of business, you need to know the commitment and responsibilities required. It is required of you to obtain sufficient capital to start with and operate until it begins to generate profit.

Though field flower production does not require much capital to start up with equipment to be used and other numbers of major expenses associated with it are the reason why you need to have enough cash in hand to avoid getting discouraged along the line.

3.    Prepare The Soil

The major factor that affects the growth of plants in any location is the type of soil upon which they are been planted. Soil is actually what takes care of your flowering plants.

Therefore, while preparing the soil for planting ensure that the soil is rich in humus; can easily drain water and can be moist for a longer period of time.

Organic matters are beneficial to the soil as they allow water and air penetration into the soil and the roots of the flowering plants to roam freely.

It is advisable to conduct a soil test to know if the pH level is normal and that it consists of other nutrients that the flowers might require for its growth if not.

Some of the organic materials in the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements produce the best soil for flower beds because they remain in the soil for a good number of years to sustain the plants.

4.    Start Small

It is wise to start with one particular type of flower especially as an inexperienced follower farmer who is new to the business.

Get started with very little before you can invest in a large flowering garden operation. Start with a particular crop enough for seeds and supplies as a trial.

Commercial flower gardeners who are professionals in the field suggest that you should start with the kinds of flowers which are easy to grow. Some of these flower types are sunflowers, zinnias, sweet peas, marigold, hardy geranium, eschscholzia or Californian poppy, nigella, nasturtium, and others.

5.    Connect With Sustainable Flower Farmers

You will possibly need an experienced farmer to guide you. What you should do in this case is to find someone who has been into what you want to do and volunteer to work for free in return for the chance to learn.

Some of the flower planting networks provide planting guides, education, and support and other beneficial impacts from their experiences to help upcoming growers.

In this way, you will be able to get experience and wisdom on possible ways to make sustainable floriculture. It will also help you gain an insight into which flowers are farmed locally or domestically.

But nevertheless, you can still use an irrigation system such as drip irrigation or by using a sprinkler because flower farms need adequate watering including also constant seedling, planting, and wedding.

6.    Choose The Best Variety For Commercial Purpose

There are many varieties of flowers that you can choose from but know that it is not all species of flowers available that are good for flower business.

Make proper research to help you identify the best lucrative kind of flowers and how you can grow them since the method planting differs according to their species.

The flower business gives more money if you are diversified. This implies that you got to have more varieties of flowers to offer or present to your customers so that they can have wide options to choose from. 

Also, try as much as possible to make your flower farm business unique by getting some new ideas and strategies that will make you stand out among other flower farmers.

Conclusively on this point, be careful not the select the variety that attracts pests. Don’t choose a flower type because it is so pretty or physically attractive. Instead, focus your selection on the varieties that thrive in the area where you reside.

7.    Planting of Flowers

Flowers are among the plants that can easily be grown from seeds. They can be planted from seedlings as well but the seeding method is considered easy and less expensive.

How is it inexpensive to grow flowers from seeds?

It is inexpensive to grow flowers from seeds because if you buy more seeds and plant them indoors for a start, you will be planting from the seedling during the subsequent season. By so doing, it will cut down the expenses of spending on annual plants each year.

How do you grow flowers from seeds indoors?

Start growing the seeds of flower plants indoor during late February. Fill a planter with hydrous phyllosilicate mineral such as vermiculture and mixture of peat moss which is one of the most commonly used materials for gardening.

To this mixture, add perlite which helps in seed-starting and potting mixtures to lighten the soil. Perlite has its own role to play which include allowing air around the roots of the flowers and to retain water in the soil.

Once the mixture is readily combined as directed above, sprinkle the seeds on top; water it and use plastic to cover the planter. Ensure to keep indoors under warm temperatures.

Keep an eye on it until the seeds start sprouting out. Thin out crowded seedlings and plant them outdoors in the site where you have prepared for your flowers.

Note that some flower plant species such as rose flowers produce blooms about 6 weeks after germination. Therefore, it may possibly take a period of 8 weeks for the after seed planting to grow into a seedling.

8.    Organic Is The Best Practice

It is best advanced to go organic while in this kind of farming, this will make the flowers look natural and attractive.

What does it imply? It means that you have to use natural soil conditioners such as manure and natural pesticides NOT chemicals.

The reason why it is better to go organic in this kind of business is that flowers are delicate as mentioned before and some if not all of these chemicals can destroy or damage the flower plants.

What is the best manure for flowers?

Organic fertilizers from living and non-living things are the best for flowers as they supply nutrients to the flowering plants and improve soil conditions upon which they are planted.

These organic matters remain active in the soil for a long period of time to strengthen the plant's immune system. They are not toxic to either the plants or the beneficial insects.

9.    Weed Prevention

It is important to know that weed prevention in flower farms works better for plants than weed control.

What I am trying to explain at this juncture is that you should eliminate surface weeds from time to time after planting using garden how or hand-picking.

For maximum weed control, apply a cover cropping method for your outdoor cut flowers. Research the available herbicides that are safely used to control weeds in flower farms.

However, herbicides are not safe in most cases and are not effective ways to control flower weeds.

10.    Determine the Demand And Market for Your Plants

Starting the business is always the first point but it doesn’t work without appropriate business management. This entails market and demand for your product(s) or services.

Your target market should be florists, event planners, and supermarket floral departments who use flowers.

Again, you have to determine the area which you intend to reach and if there are enough customers within the area.

Again, you have to know if there are too many competitors in the flowering business around. Try to find out if there are types of flowers they do not sell.

Find out what strategies to apply in order to convince customers to patronize you instead of your competitors.

However, do not start this by tagging lower prices on your flowering plants because you are just a beginner and this strategy will not work for you in the long run.

In general terms, you have to situate your business in an area that is close to the metropolitan area to operate easily on direct retaining as well as wholesale.
Today, commercial flower farming has become part of the dialogue about agriculture.

This type of agricultural business creates self-employment opportunity as offers a position as distributor and suppliers to renowned florists and event management companies across the globe.

Starting a flower business is lucrative but requires time and care and to make the maximum profit possible.

You have to follow the latest trend; on and off seasons for flowers and best ways to package it to make it more attractive to customers whether fresh or dried.

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