What To Consider When Starting A Dairy Farm Business

Commercial dairy farming is a profitable business people neglect due to a lack of capital and other challenges associated with it. Before we proceed with the details about this kind of farm, we shall explain what it is all about.

Dairy farming is an agricultural practice that is associated with long-term production and commercial processing of dairy products, mainly milk which is processed for commercial purposes.

Animals used for this kind of farming business are the ones known for huge dairy production such as buffaloes, cows, goats, sheep, camels, horses and others.

However, it is promising to say that this kind of farming practice have investors who are ready to help as the profits are very high when planned and managed well.

In many parts of the world, dairy farming has been long practiced which does not only provide them with milk but can as well convert it to butter, cheese, and other dairy products that are sought after in the market.

1.    Developing A Business Plan

In this case, is very important to develop a detailed business plan. It will help you to manage the business well without been stuck on the way and will provide you with answers to your questions.

The business plan should contain information as for how you can source for the capital, how to get knowledge about the business, their feed and other needs, how to sell and market them, the climate conditions good for them and how to prevent diseases in the case of occurrence and lots more.

In developing a yoke business plan, SWOT analysis is very important.

What is a SWOT analysis?

It is the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats of the business plan and the available resources that will contribute to the success of your dairy business.

2.    Learn About Dairy Products

Experience is the most essential in every business. So if you don’t have a basic knowledge of dairy farming and animals used, it is better you consult an expert who will teach you the techniques involved.

Even if you have learned how to feed any dairy animal like cow, sheep, buffalo, etc you still have to consult a dairy expert to help you design proper dairy farm management systems. You can as well learn from dairy workshops and training within or outside your state of residence and other parts of the country breeding and weaning, feeding and milking as well as others things which will help you in such business.

If you don't have a diary experience but want to venture into this business, don’t worry. You can achieve your aim by visiting some dairy farms around to see what actually works for the success of the farm.

Talk to other experts like agronomists, veterinarians, agricultural extension educators, animal nutritionists, and others who can give you different viewpoints on running your dairy.
Take your time to study all dairy farming practices and you are good to go.

3.    Capital is Required

This is not a business that you can go for on a small scale because it wouldn’t yield much profit unless you want to engage in subsistence agriculture.

But if you want to go commercial, you need enough capital to see you through, don’t be dismay if you don’t have the money because there are banks and investors who are willing to help so you can as well get a financial loan from them.
Commercial dairy farming is one of the agricultural farming businesses that require large capital investment to start up with. You need huge capital for land, dairy animal purchase, dairy farming equipment, building and other essentials required in this kind of business.

4.    Select Productive Dairy Animal(s)

Dairy farming requires animals or animals that have the ability to produce milk in large quantities. Some of the animals known as dairy animals because of their ability to manufacture dairy bulk quantities are buffaloes, cows, goats, sheep, etc.

Each of these animals has assorted dairy breeds that are best suited for commercial dairy farming. You have to make proper research before selecting the animal you want to use and the particular breed in order to make a profit from the business.

It is wise to contact agricultural abstentions, government bodies or dairy farms close to your area to assist you in selecting the animal(s) and breeds that will produce milk and increase return on investment (ROI).

No matter the animal(s) you choose to use for dairy production, you must consider how much it will take you to raise from tender age to milk production level; breeds that can succeed in the climatic condition of your area and the demand for the breed's milk.

The major things you must not overlook while choosing an animal for good dairy sources are the highest milk production animal and the milking tests.

5.    Secure A Shelter For The Animals

Make sure that the farm for this business is properly secured, and provide the animals with a nice and comfortable shelter against poor weather conditions which are unfavorable for them.

Know the housing requirements for the dairy animal(s). The aim is not just to protect the animals from adverse climatic conditions but to help you confine them when gazing in the field to avoid straying.

Learn several designs for dairy housing and handling facilities that are appropriate for both small and large scale dairy operations considering weather conditions.

Also, learn how to manage and control the spread of diseases and adequate medication to give.

6.    Create A Feeding A Plan

Consider the feeds for the particular dairy animal and the breed you choose. Almost all the animals that produce dairy are herbivores and so they eat grasses very well. Ensure to get a land full of fresh green grasses where they can be feeding.

You should not limit their food to grasses only as there are other essential nutrients they need in order to grow healthy.

Grazing is very essential in feeding dairy animals. This is the method of feeding in which the animals feed on plants like pastures and other multicellular creatures such as green algae.

Diary animals require a certain set of nutrients to sustain them for milk production and growth. Use the combination of total mixed ration, grazing and consult an animal nutritionist as well to help you develop the best ration for your dairy animals.

Therefore, it is vital that you buy other food supplements from local farmers or even better you can learn how to grow them yourself such as grains and other forage like hay.

7.    Feeding And Milking Equipment

Also, consider the feeding and milking equipment. Other equipment and machines that you might need in the course of running this farming operation which includes hay baler, storage buildings, and others should not be neglected.

You need dairy mixing, grinding and feeding equipment for your farm business. Some of the milking equipment you need for your farming business are dairy milking machines, milk analyzers machines, cream separators, milk testing equipment, and others.

8.    Milk The Animal As Required

Milking animals need to be milked two or more times in a day when they must have reached the milk production stage.

Milking should be done in a clean environment with equipment to avoid contamination but firstly you have to understand the breeding cycles of such animals and also how to increase the milk production and keep them lactating as possible.

Learn how to milk the animal or animals you choose for your dairy farm. The way a cow is milked may differ from how to milk goats and others.

9.    Marketing Strategies

At this stage when you must have established your dairy farm. Now you have to prove your ability to supply fresh dairy products at commercial levels on a reliable basis as a dairy farmer.

Marketing is another cool way of advertising your business to companies that use dairy products.

Your target market should be milk-producing industries, food and beverage companies, dealers and others that use dairy products for production.

What is considered dairy?

Dairy is simply the foods produced from the milk of mammals or those that contain the milk of mammals such as cows and goats. Principally, dairy refers to milk and any food products made from milk, such as butter, cheese, yogurt, and cream.

Which foods are dairy?

Examples of dairy foods are yogurt, milk, cheese both natural and processed cheese products, milk powder, frozen desserts, ice cream/novelties, butter, and butter blends.

Do we need dairy?

Milk is a good source of calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein. Milk is an important source of calcium and may help maintain and improve bone health. Whole milk and many dairy products are high in saturated fat.

Is Dairy Linked to Cancer?

Dairy products including milk are the top source of saturated fat which contributes to heart diseases when consumed excessively.

Dairy products are quite beneficial to human health but should not be consumed in excess. Studies have shown that excessive dairy increases the risk of cancer growth in the breast, ovarian, and prostate.

Is dairy farming profitable?

The answer is yes, dairy farm business is of high profitability. Cow milk farm is money-spinning but the success depends on several factors mentioned in this article. Dairy farming through capital expense has a great return on investment.

Dairy farming is stressful, challenging and capital intensive, but is very profitable. Farmers who succeeded in dairy farming and are still making profits in many parts of the world followed the right steps just as the tips above. Reading through this article carefully will help you to be successful in your dairy operation.  

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