How To Purchase A Good Car Brand In Nigeria

The first thing to do when planning to buy a car is to ascertain the amount of money budgeted for it. In budgeting, you have to know that you must not use the whole money you have to buy a car.

Remember that apart from getting a vehicle license, changing of tires, engine oil, servicing parts, alignment, and others, you still have other normal expenditures to make.

Assuming you are a civil servant who wants to buy a car with salary advance loan, you have to make sure that the brand of car you buy will not be more than twenty per cent (20%) of your annual income or else you may end up putting yourself in a tight corner.


Have few Cars in Mind

Have you been seeing series of cars that you like? Find out if they fit in with your budget.

Go online to search for car dealers in local business directories or in online marketplace websites like OLX, Jiji etc., with your choice of fittings and performance.


Make Research

Since vehicles are liabilities that are expensive, there is a need for a buyer to have good knowledge of the performance and economy of the vehicle before arriving at the car stand or else he will be thrown into confusion by the words of the dealer(s) and other appealing vehicles everywhere.

Determine if you will buy a new brand car, foreign fairly used car or Nigerian used car.

Remember that the amount you have at hand prior to the purchase, determines the brand and grade you can go for.


Make a Friendly Negotiation and good bargain

As soon as you get to the point were they sell the cars, try to first establish a relationship with the seller as this will make him feel friendly and will likely sell at a reduced price.

You can hire someone who will pretend he doesn’t know you to come and price a little lower than your price so that they will see a reason to sell to you.

Remember that you have to be aware of the market price before pricing at the car stand to avoid pricing higher or too low.

Pay either in the bank or cash to the dealer after you have agreed on the price finally and make sure you get a receipt for it.

Make sure that the documents of the car are complete and correct before you pay for the car.


Embark on a driving test

A car may be good looking in the body but its engine or suspension may be faulty. As a result of this single fact, there is a need for you to go for driving test to observe the true position of the vehicle before making a payment.

Apart from checking the efficiency, and capacity of the engine and suspension, you need to find out if the interior of the car is good.

Make sure that the horn, wiper, head and rear lights, side mirrors, the brake systems, the steering, parking lights, air conditioner and other things are in good working condition.


Invite an Experienced Mechanic

It will speak well if you call an experienced mechanic to come and supervise the vehicle.

However, you have to be extremely careful about the person you pick or else they will discuss with the car owner and increase the price for you.


Prepare the necessary papers    

After the dealer has issued you a payment receipt and the custom papers of the car, proceed to a nearby registered Vehicle Licence Office to prepare the necessary papers.

You will also require obtaining a driver's license from the Nigeria Road Safety Commission in case you don’t have one.


Demand for a warranty

There is a need for you to demand a reasonable warranty as a proof that the dealer is very much aware of the standard of the vehicle.


Buying cars involve a huge amount of money and as a result, buyers should take their time to ensure they buy a sound or good one.

The tips above will to a great extent help the public, an especially novice in making a good choice of buying a car in Nigeria and other African countries.

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