Best food Nutrients and Supplements for Muscle Mass

Muscle growth and maintenance is not just limited to weight lifting exercises. The best way to build up the muscle and keep it healthy is to incorporate your workout regimen with best diets.


In this article, you will see the best nutrients and food supplements that will assist you to do so.

1. Amino Acid

The natural building blocks for muscle tissue are weightlifting and chain amino acids from foods which play a key role in building the muscles and strength. Lifting of weight is a natural way of adding mass to the muscle.

The muscle gains more strength and becomes strong as you lift more heavyweights. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein that strengthen the muscle cells and other tissues.

Spinach is required in this case because it serves as a good source of glutamine which is the amino acid that is needed to build up lean muscles.


2. Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables help in building the muscles mass because the presence of potassium and other essential minerals that contributes to muscle strength.

The ones to be eaten depends on the type of nutrients they contain that affects the muscle positively. Leafy green vegetables as well as fruit-vegetables such as potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, carrot, kale, and broccoli help for optimal muscles building.

Some of the fruits you should eat include watermelons, bananas, avocados, oranges, apples, kiwi fruits, wild blueberries, dried apricots and peas.

3. Protein

Protein still remains the great source of nutrient for muscle gain and meat is a great source of protein. The type you should eat is not dependent on anything; the key point is that protein is the most essential macronutrients for building muscle mass.

The best meat for muscle protein synthesis is red meat, preferably beef which are from grass-fed animals because red meats are the main components of the muscle-building diet.

4. Carbohydrate

Building the muscles mass requires energy. The good source of this energy is carbohydrates which contain glycogens that you need to feed up the muscle.

The best carbohydrates needed in building up the muscle are cereals with some grams of fibre, whole grains, mashed or baked potatoes, bran muffins and pasta.

Eat the right carbohydrates at the right time.


5. Fat

Fat as the major source of energy for the body while at rest is important in building the muscle mass. It plays a good role at the cellular level in building up and repairing muscle tissues.

Fat helps in producing hormones that are needed for muscle growth. Some percentage of calorie intakes is meant to come from fat.

Again, some portion of the fat like 5 to 10% should be saturated which mostly helps to sustain testosterone levels.


6. Calories

Calories are necessarily required for building muscle mass. Reverse becomes the case here unlike the case of weight loss where one is required to burn more calories than he/she consumes.

More calories should be taken than you burn out, say 20 calories per pound of your body weight. The body will not support new muscle growth without enough calories.


Mass Gain Supplements

A. Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrateSupplementation

Supplements such as Beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl butyrate (HMB), testosterone boosters and branch-chained amino acids have been proved scientifically to be helpful in the fast building of the muscle mass.

These supplements help to make muscle building work for you easier.

The necessary nutrient requirements that you need for improving your muscle mass are contained in the supplements, it helps to promote your routine muscle training when combined with the right diets.


B. Creatine Bodybuilding

Creatine is another muscle mass supplement for bodybuilders containing a compound formed in protein metabolism and supplies energy for muscle contraction.

This supplement allows the muscles to store more of the high-energy molecule to provide greater gains in muscle strength and size as well as it improves maximal strength and performance in vegetarians.

Creatine bodybuilding is a very effective and energizing supplement that provides improvement for muscle mass status and performance; greater gain in boost fat-free muscle mass, muscle fibre size, muscle mass and muscle strength.


C. Whey Protein Powder

Whey powder is a muscle mass supplement sources from calorie and proteins. It has the content of 30 grams of protein per 150 calorie service alongside with branched chain amino acids (BCAA) creatine and glutamine.

The supplement has blends of ingredients that are offer promotion for protein synthesis and much growth support for the muscle than ordinary whey powder.

Whey supplement helps to increase blood flow to the muscles, therefore, 20 grams of it is required before embarking on workouts and 40 grams within 60 minutes after working it out.

Another protein supplement that squeals in under whey protein powder is Casein protein powder; it makes you feel full and produce better protein synthesis for the muscle.


D.  Nitric Oxide (NO) Supplements

Nitric oxide boosters are supplements sourced from natural gas that is produced by the body which helps to increase the flow of blood in the muscle.

Havasu Nutrition L-Arginine Nitric Oxide Booster Supplement is one of the nitric oxide supplement family that helps to convert amino acid into nitric acid that promotes the flow of blood and building of muscle mass.


Good foods while taken in excess turn bad. Be mindful! The quantity of protein and carbohydrate you take while observing your exercise routine. Excess protein will be converted to fats in your body instead of amino acid that will build the muscle.

There are other types of nitric oxide supplement which are all considered potent muscle mass boosters because they work in similar ways to boost the mass of the muscle.


E. ZMA Supplements

ZMA are naturally occurring mineral supplements for promoting muscle mass. The supplement is blended from three sources viz: zinc, magnesium aspartate, and vitamin B6.

Zinc, magnesium aspartate and vitamin B6, collective known as ZMA helps to increase the muscle stamina, build up muscle strength and boost speed muscle recovery.


F. Carbohydrate Supplements

Vitargois the best known high molecular-weight carb with zero sugar and is specially processed from carbohydrates that make up sugar such as fructose, glucose sucrose as well as maltodextrin.

It provides energy at long session athletics training and other kinds of sporting activities. Vitargo is used by Olympians and elite athletes for muscle support and maximum strength during prolong sporting activities.

Similarly, waxy maize serves as another active high-molecular-weight carb supplement with zero sugar that works as vitargo.


Other supplements that help in building muscle mass so as to achieve fitness goals are beta-ecdysterone: a natural phytochemical found in herbs or roots such as cyanotisvaga.

Other ones include an amino acid supplement known as glutamine and carnitine.


Note that sports juice you drink while on sports is not healthy for muscle building because they are poor in naturally occurring nutrients and energy-dense. Alcohols, candies, doughnuts and foods with excess calories will negatively affect muscle growth.

It is necessary to plan your meal and go with the right diets while trying to build up your muscle mass. If your aim is to gain muscle strength, follow the steps provided in this article and you will get a faster result.

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