How Too Much Salt Intake Can Be Bad For Your Body

Salt is an ionic chemical compound representing the ratio 1:1 of sodium and chloride ion called sodium chloride (NaCl).

It is a translucent, odourless natural mineral in cube-crystal shapes which are formed by the reaction of the base and an acid; chemically it is colourless but physically salt is white in colour and is generally known to be used in cooking and natural preservation.

It helps the body to function properly and to retain water, it’s very important to the body system but can make one sick when consumed excessively in such a way that the quantity of sodium in the body will be increased, extra water will also be stored in the system and thereby getting the blood pressure high.

Just as potassium, sodium is another electrolyte that helps to control fluid balancing when consumed in moderate quantity.

When the intake of salt to the body system becomes much, it leads to certain health issues which include the following:


1.  Kidney Problem

Kidneys play a vital role in regulating the amount of fluid and salt in the body. And excess salt can thwart this kidney function which leads to the number 2 cause of excess salt in the body as mentioned below.

It is when the kidneys fail to remove excess salt and fluid in the body as a result of chronic kidney disease which excess salt can cause that they get stored to raise the blood pressure.


2.  Heart diseases

Sodium chloride (salt) is linked to hypertension or high blood pressure. There are certain hormones produced in the kidney that help in the removal of sodium and water through urine to avoid elevation in sodium levels. 

In that case, when the level of salt in the blood increases, the volume of blood increases too because the kidney sends out less water to dilute the sodium in the blood.

This is to say that the increase that results in the blood volume increases the blood pressure which causes water imbalance in the body.

Prolonged consumption of salt is deadly but you may not know that it gradually damages the walls of your blood vessels thereby being exposed to high risk of hypertension.

When the salt intake becomes much, the body will store extra water which may cause adverse reactions such as an increase in blood pressure.


3.  Causes dehydration

Intake of salt helps the body to retain water but consuming it in excess causes the excretion of too much water through the urine.

When there is no sufficient water to balance out the amount of sodium in the body, the body might begin to pull water from the cell and dehydration sets in.

You will start experiencing nausea, thirsty in an extreme condition, stomach cramps, vomiting, and dizziness because your body system couldn’t do away with the excess sodium that it has.


4.  Water Retention

The amount of sodium in the outside body cell helps to know the amount of water that the body can be able to retain.

When salt is consumed in excess, the sodium present in the body makes the body such as the cells to retain fluid in excess, this is why is advised to cut down our intake of salt in order to avoid retaining to much water which is likely to cause ill health condition such as Oedema. 


5.  Oedema

Oedema or Edema is an anomaly caused by abnormal accumulation of water within certain tissues of the body. It occurs mainly on the hands & feet when the salt intake becomes much more than the body requires.

When the amount of salt in the body cannot be balanced by the kidney, the blood volume will increase due to water retention and the symptoms become swelling of different parts of the body.

Excess salt in the body causes bloating in the lung or other body tissues called fluid overload, in other words, Edema or Oedema.


6.  Stomach Cancer

Some scientific researches show that an increase in stomach cancer risk result from an increase in the intake of salt-preserved foods due to the quantity of salt used in preserving them.

National Health Service (NHS UK) also reported that reducing salt would cut stomach cancer.

According to the story which was based on the report from World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), it said that cutting back on foods which have much salt may reduce the risk of stomach cancer growth inhuman.


7.  Taste Receptor

Taste receptor is contained in the taste buds also known as gustatory cells which are the sensory organs found in the tongue that helps one to detect the sensation of different tastes.

In the case of someone who has consumed excessive salt over a long period of time, it causes the taste buds to be accustomed to high levels of salt.

Therefore, the taste receptor which facilitates taste sensation gets used to sour tastes and salty stimuli.


8.  Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia is a brain condition caused by dementia and Alzheimer's disease caused by a reduction in the amount of blood reaching the brain.

This is instigated by excessive salt intake which may damage the arteries and trim down brain blood flow which causes cognitive impairment.

It is lesser known to people that excess salt can have complications such as dementia on the brain. Other related brain difficulties revealed by Medicalnewstoday include cerebrovascular disease, cognitive impairment, cognitive deficits and stroke.


9.  Congestive Heart Failure

All the effects of the excessive salt intake revolve around instigating stress on the blood vessel which causes harm to several parts of the body including the heart; the powerhouse of the human body.

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a progressive chronic condition which affects the way by which the heart pumps blood.

Excessive salt intake is linked to the heart issue mentioned above which other long-term effects are an elevated stroke, shortness of breath and kidney disease.


10.  Damage Arteries

Eating of too much salt for a prolonged period of time causes high blood pressure that leads to damage in the arteries leading to the brain.

This damage can become rigorous over the time which can cause the arteries to become completely blocked.

It is very important to note that elevated dietary sodium can cause serious harm known as arterial clogging or arterial stiffness.

The truth is that every food and minerals have to be taken moderately because excessive intake of anything could cause harm to your body system; this information is most publicly announced in different hospitals and clinics to avoid health issues.


How can you get rid of excess salt in the body?

Excess salt in the body can simply be flushed out by few methods which include taking enough quantity of water on a daily basis.

Secondly, eating potassium-rich foods and finally avoiding preserved salty foods and other rich in dietary sodium.

In conclusion, too much of salt in the body stores water in excess which will increase your blood pressure and when the blood pressure becomes high the stress on the heart, kidneys, arteries, and the brain becomes high too which can lead to heart attack, dementia, kidney disease and stroke.

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