Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Juicing

Juicing as its name implies simply means extracting liquid from fresh fruits and vegetables using hands, manual or electric juicers.

You can implement a juicing plan today to keep a healthy optimal life that promotes weight loss by combining good fruits and vegetables.

Even if you are already practising a weight loss diet or activities, you can still incorporate it with juicing and find it a delicious method for losing weight.

Once you follow the helpful tips provided in this article the benefits of juicing will reflect on your weight and whole life.


To start juicing for weight loss which is the fastest detox method, the things you need to do are under listed below.

1. Get a Machine

A machine is a major factor to consider while adapting to the juicing method.

It is called a juicing machine or juicer used to extract liquid contents from fruits and vegetables; there are many of them in the market but the question is which one could be the one right for you?

The centrifugal machine seems the best among the ones available because it has the ability to juice both soft and hard fruits as well as most vegetables though not all.

They are efficient enough, less noisy, have good juicing speed and are easy to clean.

Masticating juicers uses gears to grind fruits and vegetable but works best to grind green leafy vegetables.

On the other, electric citrus juice is a nice option with an efficient speed spins reamers which go right into your fruits specifically the citrus fruits, helping to squeeze it efficiently. 


2. Get Healthy Fruits & Vegetables

The basic information is that fruits and vegetable aid in weight loss and another important thing is juicing from healthy fruits and vegetable sources.

While going for juicing as a weight loss plan, choose healthy fruits and vegetables from which you will obtain your juice.

When I say healthy fruits and veggies, I mean the ones with fewer calories, required vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that facilitate weight loss.

Here are some fat burning juices which you can source for their fruits & veggies: Wheatgrass Juice, mango tango, pineapple boost, celery juice, carrot juice, cucumber juice, lemon juice, cranberry juice, watermelon juice, Alma juice, gooseberry juice, aloe vera Juice, beetroot juice, cabbage juice, bitter gourd juice etc.


3. Chose Appropriate Juicing Recipes

Juicing ingredients means the juice recipe you used for your juicing process which will include a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Before starting the juicing process, consider the nutrients in the fruits and vegetables you are about to blend.

The nutritional content in one fruit can complement others to balance your diet and contribute to your weight loss purpose.

Therefore, opt for the recipe that will benefit you the most. For instance, the ingredients used for a particular juice can be cucumber, celery, green apples and pears considering the combination of their nutritional values.


4. Juice Diet

We have earlier stated in this article that juicing can be used as 1 or 2 meals in a day. Since it is advisable to juice in the morning or at night after a meal, if you are a busy type you can prepare the juice you will take for a day at once.

Juice diet helps in fast weight loss because most juice contains fewer calories which is the major criteria to weight loss (consuming fewer calories than you burn).

The fewer calories you consume on a juice diet, the more you quickly you achieve you weight loss.

You can prepare your juice ahead of the time you wish to drink it and store in the refrigerator.

Ensure to store very well and drink before 24 hours in order not to lose some important nutrient in it.

5. Take Fresh Juice

The story is not just juicing but how to you juice so that you can get your desired body weight and size.

Your juice should be prepared from complete fresh fruits and vegetable; combination should also contain one-third of fruits and two-thirds of vegetables.

In all these, the point should be that you track the numbers of calories you consume from you juice daily and should serve as a replacement for one or two square meals every day.


Detox Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

You can also make some healthy home-made juice recipes from time to time purposely for flushing out toxic substances from the body system.

Detox juice helps to supply extra nutrients which might be lacking. Detox juicing is used for weight loss in two different ways which are consuming juice for a period of time or substituting the juice for unhealthy meals.

Some of the carbohydrate foods that contribute to weight gain can be replaced with detox juice. 

While applying juice for detoxification, it is required that you drink it every 2 to 3 hours of the day consecutively for 3 days so as to helps cleanse the system completely.

Aside from helping to lose weight and detoxifying the liver and whole body system, detox juice improves nutrient absorption, lowers blood pressure and improves skin health.

Doctors also encourage juicing plan from fresh fruits and vegetable. Most times, they even recommend the eating of fruits and vegetable to correct some deficiencies because of the necessary nutrients they contain.

Almost all the fruits and vegetables including the green leafy vegetables have nutritional values that help in correcting several health issues and boost overall the health of the consumer.

What Are The Side Effects of Juicing?

There are basically no side effects for juicing, although some persons might still experience some because of body differences, such as dizziness, cramps, diarrhoea, nausea etc., but mainly when such is taken in extreme quantity.


What Are The Benefits of Juicing?

Juicing is beneficial in all round, it is not only suitable for weight loss but improves the general health of the consumer as well as it supplies the body with nutrients especially minerals and vitamins, though it removes the dietary fibre which serves as roughages.


In conclusion, it is beneficial to make juicing the part of your diet. It does a lot of works for your weight management and overall health. Try to go with the guides provided above, you will find juicing so fun and enjoyable.

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