Ways to Get A Better Result from Your Fitness Plan

Some people don’t really see the result they expect while carrying on with fitness routine because they don’t have realistic goals to back it up neither do they have a solid plan.

There is no need to give up with what you have in mind mainly when there are many ways to get a better fitness result. 

Even if you have tried and failed, read this article to the end and see how you can create an effective fitness plan and obtain a faster result. 


1. Draw Your Plan

Once you have created a plan, the major thing you have to do is to stick to your plan in order to see a fast result and achieve your goal. A plan can easily fall or be disorganized when you don’t stick to it.

Though it is not always easy due to some negative experiences you may meet up with while carrying on with your plan. What you have to do is to make corrections when you stray too far.


2. Self Discipline

Stay self-disciplined so as to get motivated with your daily fitness exercises. Regular practices can help one to improve self-discipline or rather to remain disciplined.

If you are not disciplined, you will never control certain things that can be obstacles while trying to achieve your aim. 


3. Consult your Doctor

It is important to talk to a doctor before starting a fitness program.

You may not know how it counts to achieve your basic aim but this is when the doctor will ask you certain questions or even run a test to ensure that you are medically fit to carry on with your workout plan.

Otherwise, you may be restricted to a particular fitness program or always be supervised if he or she discovers any form of health issue.

Talk to a doctor to know the fitness plan that could suit you best especially if you have any heart-related diseases, arthritis, dizzy spells or related others.


4. Balance Your Nutrition

To achieve a fast fitness result, you should be eating a healthy diet. Nutrition has a key role to play in a fitness program. There are some kinds of nutrients that you need to keep fit and increase your routine workout activities.

Research snacks that are good for workouts eat more of fruits, vegetables, protein and others that could help you stay fit.


5. Drink Enough Water

Drink a lot of water to keep you hydrated.

When taking a good quantity of water during the fitness program, you will feel strong all through the day because it helps in every function of the body including the muscles function also helps to transport nutrients into the cells and maintain normal body temperature.


6.  Always Discuss With Your Friends

Don’t be selfish to share your fitness plans with your loved ones. This will help you get some kinds of support from them.

This may be advice support, company support and others which will help you to achieve your aim.


7. Have a Workout Partner

Having a workout partner is very necessary because it will help you get a better result and also enjoys the workout as well.

Workout partner can also help to steer you back in the right direction. Having a partner in your workout place will make you work out longer.


8. Socialize  

Using your mobile phone to connect with a social network of fitness partners is also important in a fitness plan.

You can also download some fitness-focused apps like Gain fitness and Fitocracy; which can help you stay motivated and move more through their tips.


9. Connect with Experts

Working out regularly provides good results both physically and mentally. Connecting with experts will help you learn new sports or even challenge yourself in the sports you already know.

A good trainer will evaluate your level of fitness and also can help you set up goals and routine for you to follow.

So it is necessary to connect with your trainer or an expert because they will help to boost your performance, motivation and commitment to training routines.


10. Stay on Schedule

Staying on schedule is another way to get a better result from your fitness plan. Knowing that habits don’t just happen but they are created.

So you need to map out time for exercise, for example, you may want it to be first thing in the morning, at lunch or after work.

Consistency is the most important thing needed. So, prioritize exercise and create a healthy habit by sticking to your schedule every day.


11. Get A Good Workout Clothing  

Good workout cloth will help in making your exercise session safer and even more effective. So it is very necessary for you to invest in breathable workout cloth, a good pair of shoes and workout essentials.

Once you have new workout clothes and shoes which will serve as an incentive for continued success.

It is also good you set up short-term goals and reward yourself with a new outfit that will make you feel more confident and comfortable during your future workout.


12. Get Motivated with a Good Workout Playlist

Get moving on your way to the gym or during your workout with music that makes you feel powerful, strong and like you can do anything. Make sure you have quality sound headphones.

So combining your workout with songs will definitely help to achieve a better fitness plan because it makes your workout fun and enjoyable which can make your workout longer.


13. Go for Workouts You Actually Enjoy

Finding out the workout you actually enjoy and like is also one of the ways of good fitness because it makes you stay consistent with your fitness routine.

When you hate something, you can’t find pleasure doing it; so it is good you know the workout you like the most and stick to it. The best workout is actually the one you can do very well at any time.


14. Be an Active Watcher

It is also necessary that when you watch TV, you make the most of it like do things like planks, squats, yoga poses, pushups or some ball-crunches.

It is also good you keep some fitness equipment such as resistance bands, kettlebell or a jump rope near the TV. You can mix in cardio intervals during commercial breaks.

You can also engage yourself with running up in place or up and down the stairs or jumping jacks. All these will aid in making your workout easy, fun and enjoyable for a better fitness plan.  


15.  Have Enough Rest

Exercising regularly is a good and healthy habit. But too much of it is called overtraining which can lead to break down of the body system. While working out you also need to make out time for an active recovery day.

You can try this equation that leads to a better result, which is Work +Recovery = Results. Therefore swimming, a long walk with a friend or yoga is part of an active recovery protocol. Always remember that your body needs rest, so never underrate the importance of sleep.


How to Make Your Workout More Intense

The best way of getting more from your workout is simply to put in more effort. Making your workout intense can help torch some calories, fat and gain muscle as well.

You can intensify your strength routines by performing overall body strength training exercise which can help in building bone and muscle. It also helps to prevent age-related diseases like osteoporosis.  Increasing the weight or reps you do is the simplest way of increasing the intensity of your strength training routine.

Also adding interval training to your workouts every week can make them more intense.

You can add some intervals at the end of each runs every 2-3 days a week. Interval can aid in getting faster over time.

It is also good and necessary that you develop a workout plan. Drawing a plan ensures you get a balance of high-intensity exercise with required workouts and rest.



Fitness program itself is the best way to keep your mind sharp. It helps to improve mental skills and memory flow. Boosting your creativity and focus will foster an increase in your level of concentration and thereby making your mind stay sharpened at all times to get effective results from your plans

The more physical activities you undergo every day of your life, the healthier you become mentally and physically.

Fitness is very important in the sense that it fosters an increase in life expectancy when you have a good plan for it. The tips above make it a fun activity for you when trying to get in your desired shape.

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