How To Prevent And Effectively Control Tuberculosis

Nigeria was initially among the top countries with varying ranges of tuberculosis cases, but due to constant awareness in general and private hospitals, clinics and health centres, and also with the introduction of free medical check-ups, follow-ups, and medications, there has been a positive decline over the recent years.

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by bacteria that spread from person to person by means of minute liquids which spreads using the air medium, by the already infected person which engages in the activities of coughing, speaking, sneezing, spitting, singing or laughing and TB is considered a highly contagious disease, a veritable ground for easier spread of the disease from co-habitants or rather in working places, as everyone can be infected with TB.

However, the incidence of TB infections is not limited to above, but could extend to people who works or lives in an emergency care facilities such as Internally Displaced Person Camps (IDPS), prisons, nursing homes and police cells and constitutes as a veritable ground for high incidence of tuberculosis infections in Nigeria, because of overcrowding, poor ventilation, unsanitary conditions prevailing and poor sensitization health awareness on TB.

In addition, with the following risk factors that enabled ascendancy in the cases of tuberculosis in Nigeria:

  • Weakened immune system; which makes the human body ineffective in mounting defense, this weak immunity can be as a result of a disease condition caused by HIV/AIDS. As the increased cases of tuberculosis could be attributed to the spread of HIV - the virus that causes AIDS, as the HIV infection diminishes the immune system and make it more likely for people living with HIV to be vulnerable to tuberculosis (TB).
  • Quartering in certain areas with high incidence of tuberculosis
  • Poverty
  • Substance and tobacco addiction, as the uses has been found to increase the risk of developing active TB by smoking and substance abuse and others can be through the inadequate provision of protective gears for the health workers and non-observance of hygienically regulations.


Signs & symptoms

A person with TB infection may not experience any symptoms but a person with active tuberculosis disease may have any or all of the following symptoms:

  • Constant fatigue
  • Coughing up blood
  • Coughing lasting up to three weeks or more
  • Chest pain or painful breathing
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss


Medical investigations

There are several tuberculosis tests available for medical investigations:

  • Chest X-Ray
  • Culturing bacteria to test for TB
  • Fluorescent microscopy
  • Serological tests (TB blood tests)
  • Sputum smear microscopy
  • TB drug susceptibility tests
  • The TB skin test (TST) is the most common diagnostic test for tuberculosis.


Preventive measures

Tuberculosis (TB) cases can be prevented or minimised when the following measures are strictly adhered or observed:

  • Avoid any contact with tiny droplets of saliva or mucus that expelled from TB patients.
  • Reducing intake of alcohol, avoiding substance use and cigarette smoking.
  • Avoid use of any cloth or handkerchief used by TB patients.  
  • Eat a healthy and a balanced diet.
  • Have a BCG vaccine to prevent TB.
  • If you live with an active TB patient(s) encourage the person(s) to follow treatment instructions.


Treatment for tuberculosis

Tuberculosis disease can be treated by taking several drugs for a long duration of about six months and above. And TB can be prevented, treated and cured if the diagnosis is done on time, as services are free in the treatment of TB in any of the government approved centers in Nigeria.


And tuberculosis is prevented in children through early administration of bacilli Chalmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine at birth.

Tuberculosis infection in healthy persons is often asymptomatic, and these bacteria lives and in other words replicates in the macrophages, thereby sidetracking the immunity in the sick person's serum.


Despite latest medical discoveries in the findings and treatment of tuberculosis, many patients are still suffering from this life threatening ailments. Asymptomatic latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) or tuberculosis disease and if left unchecked could result in death.


Moreover, tuberculosis is not a disease to be toyed with as the fore knowledge on the nature and symptoms of the disease is very necessary, an active TB patient(s) should also make a quick visit to nearby government approved TB centers for early diagnosis and treatment which can help to contain the possible spread of the contagious disease.    

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