Hypnotherapists In Nigeria And What They Do

The practice of hypnotherapy medicine is a therapeutic field of medicine used as an effective management to checkmate health challenges.

The practice of this arm of therapeutic field of medicine in Nigeria is not wide as its services are in few demands because of its low level of awareness and religious beliefs and misconceptions.

The benefits in the use of this therapeutic medicine cannot be over emphasized as it is a powerful tool used to access one's powerful subconscious for the benefit in managing health issues.

It is good to know that hypnosis practice, a state of enhancement of relaxation is achieved, as the mind remotes and experiences a plane of contentment and at this stage; this activates the enablement of subconscious part of the mind in its best to respond creatively to suggestion and imaginary.


Who is a hypnotherapist?

A hypnotherapist is neither a medical doctor nor a psychologist but rather one who treats clients who suffer severe health related cases that are not medical, emotional or mental. 

Hypnotherapist is a specialist with the basic skills on how to subconsciously transform a patient through his new responses, perception, thinking attitudes, behaviours

For a hypnotherapist to achieve this in Nigeria, he should research the person’s sub consciousness to determine the right approach to be adopted in solving the person’s problem.

Hypnotherapy treatments are of various types such as clinical hypnotherapy, cognitive or behavioural hypnotherapy, traditional and suggestion hypnotherapy, hypno-psychotherapy, analytical hypnotherapy, hypnotherapy and NLP, time line therapy, solution focused hypnotherapy and lots more.

People hypnotised manifest a lot of unique attributes that are quite different from the former. For a hypnotherapist to assist Nigerians in solving their emotional or behavioural problem, the person concerned must have shown zeal and seriousness in changing such attributes.


Cases that demands the attention of hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapists can help some individuals to overcome pressing situations such as stage fright, grief, weight loss and weight management, public speaking, relationship advice, drug and alcohol addiction, stress management and many others.

The main work of a hypnotherapist in this context is to teach a public speaker how to avert tensions, easy way to be consoled one in grief, how to lose weight, how to quit drug and alcohol, tips on how to manage stress and so on.


How hypnotherapists work

The speculation that clients during hypnosis must induce sleep is wrong. There are situations where clients are conscious of what is happing around them. However, there are situations whereby a case to be treated requires that client induce prolonged sleep.

The most important thing is for clients to have sincerely concluded to quit a particular habit; inducing someone who has not made up his mind to quit a particular habit is just like pouring water on a stone.


Where to establish a hypnotherapy clinic

Although some Nigerians have argued that the best place to site your hypnotherapy clinic is in the hospital. This is true to some extent, however, one can also establish hypnotherapy clinic at the comfort of his home.  

The client feels so free and in most cases enjoys the environment better than hospitals.

Since it is glaring that all health related problems are not medical; therefore hospitals in Nigeria require the services of hypnotherapists to resolve certain challenges. 

However, hypnotherapy will most likely work effective in a quiet environment than in public places where distraction will not guarantee total relaxation.


How to effectively apply hypnotherapy therapy in Nigeria

The first step a hypnotherapist should take is to interview a client to ascertain his problems. 

Try to find out the degree of physical, emotional and suggestibility from the interview. 

After you have gathered the information, proceed to explain to you need to the client how effective hypnotherapy works. 

This will arouse his interest; making him believe the therapy would work. 

After you have convinced him that it works, reduce tension by discussing with the client, friendly telling him or her how easy and successful the previous treatments were. 


Since techniques for hypnotherapy vary and the human body responds differently to the situation, use the result of the earlier interview to determine the technique to be applied in treating the client. 

While it is comforting to note that the modern hypnotherapy healing can be applied to many different areas of life, known in general term as a perfect method to tackle all emotional and psychogenetic problems as earlier discoursed and in addition, will enable the needy to improve his or her life.

Since hypnotherapist specializes in guiding people to overcome various kinds of trauma, Nigerians suffering from depression as a result of situations around them should cheer up and willingly seek the assistance of a qualified hypnotherapist as this is likely to definitely bring their problem to a near end.  

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