Main Causes Of Breast Cancer In Women And Its Symptoms

Breast cancer is presently the leading and the most common disease that ranked number one cancer scourge afflicting Nigerian women. As the ratio of breast cancer is 1:25 women in the country, due to the failure to organise effective health programmes on prevention and health control on the scourge, as was the practice obtainable in other parts of the developed countries, where early screening of women are carried out and procedures put in place to control the spread of the tumour (if cancerous) from reaching other parts of the body.

Unfortunately, the reverse is the case in Nigeria, as most of the diagnoses are done too late when the disease has progressed uncontrollable and become sad to note that breast cancer is accountable for about 18% of all cancer-related deaths in Nigeria, because of late presentation of patients at the advanced stages, when application of any forms of therapies to control and manage the spread of the disease become ineffective and very worrisome, as the end result amounts to painful and tragic deaths of loved ones.

In a simpler explanation, breast cancer is a worrisome condition when a harmful cancerous growth occurs in the tissues of the breast or invariably it is the condition of abnormality formation in the body cells leading to a disease situation capable of causing lethal effects on the body, as the affected damaged cells divide or separates uncontrollably to grow lumps or masses of tissues called tumours.

And it is necessary to sound out that not all tumours are cancerous, as mild tumours do not attack neighbouring tissues and not spreadable to other parts of the body.


Causes Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has no definite major factor(s) that cause tumour but it is as a result of damages done to a cell's DNA, as women with certain risk-factors are more vulnerable to develop breast cancer and the attendant risk factors being the parameters for increased chances of developing the disease.

The risk factors are noted as follows:

  • Obesity or overweight
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Feminine Gender: Breast cancer developments are most common in women
  • Adolescence Early Menstruation
  • Appearance of menopause at older age
  • Personalized Breast Cancer history: As one side afflicted with cancer could possibly spread to the other one
  • Ageing factor: The older-aged women are of more risk of breast cancer development.
  • Genes Inheritance: The inheritance of certain gene mutation can possibly increase the risk of breast cancer and BRACA ONE and BRACA TWO are the most common gene mutations that are prone to the chances of breast cancer.
  • First Child Birth of Old Age: Any woman with the record of first child delivery after the age of 30 and above stands the risk of breast cancer.
  • Women who have not experienced child birth have or are more vulnerable to breast cancer than women who had experienced first child birth and more.
  • Application of post-menopausal hormone therapy and the women indulging in this method to treat the symptoms and signs of menopause have increased risk of breast cancers.


 Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer symptoms are most standardized, as it depends on the size, location and where it has spread.

And the presence of a lump on the breast could be an indicator of a sign of cancer in the area.

  • Lump is the first noticeable indicator which feelings differs from the rest of the breast tissue, as majority cases of the early signs of breast cancers are discovered by the notice of the lumps.
  • Increased in size from other breast tissue whereby a breast becomes larger or lower in size than the other.
  • Experiencing constant pains around the armpit, in part of the breast or collar bones.

  • Having a rash around the nipple.
  • Skin pluckering and changing positioning of the nipple.


Consequently, the knowledge of the symptoms and access for immediate medical attention can be a life saver for Nigerian women and all women in general the as chances of controlling the deadly multiplication and spread are earlier contained.

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