How To Register A New Vehicle In Nigeria

It is a global practice that people register their new vehicle with relevant government authorities which no doubt authenticates the ownership and makes it easy for law enforcement agents to track the vehicle when the need arises.


In Nigeria, there are laid down procedure of registering a new vehicle before it can begin to operate fully on the road; this procedure if tenaciously followed will make the movement of vehicle hitch free as the authorities concerned will have no reason to interrupt your movement whatsoever.


It is very necessary that buyers should ensure they collect the following particulars from the car dealer where they purchased the vehicle

  1. Receipt of purchase or sales invoice
  2. Attestation letter
  3. Delivery note
  4. Proof of ownership


Besides, the buyer must ensure he or she has a valid driver’s license, national identification card/international passport, proof of current address with a utility bill and his or her recent passport photographs.


The car owner should ensure these requirements are complete before going to the office of Nigeria Board of Internal Revenue within his locality where the motor licensing authority will issue application forms with respect to the plate number and other vehicle particulars.


Photocopy and attach copies of documents containing your personal information as may be demanded by the motor licensing officer in-charge.

You will further be required to fill the following forms;

  1. Auto license form
  2. Form B
  3. Federal Road Safety Commission form
  4. Tax form

Ensure you attach photocopies of the necessary documents needed to enhance processing of the vehicle particulars.


  •       After you have assembled the requirements as stipulated proceed to the office of security personnel for verification of the documents and the data supplied as well.
  •        The security personnel after the verification need has been satisfactorily met will place a verification stamp and also append his signature on the form.


Having satisfied the verification status, proceed to make payment for the vehicle license. The staff in-charge will direct you to the bank where you will make payment with respect to the vehicle license.


However, some offices of Nigeria Board of Internal Revenue collect cash from clients applying for vehicle license. If this process applies to the Board of Internal Revenue where you apply, find out the right staff in charge of such payment before paying money with respect to the vehicle license.


The amount paid for a license varies from time to time. Find out the actual amount from the bank or the staff in charge.


Once the Board of Internal Revenue receives the confirmation order of your payment; a vehicle plate number will be allocated to you.

The following particulars will also be issued to you as well;

1.     Proof of ownership

2.     Certificate number

3.     Vehicle identification tag (VIT)

4.     Vehicle license



Ensure you collect and also confirm the originals of documents submitted for sighting during the exercise to avoid misplacement or missing documents. It is ideal to obtain third party insurance policy cover in respect of the new car.

The three important documents of imported cars are;

  • Tax identification number
  • Custom papers (clearing documentations)
  • Vehicle duty certificate 

Registration of new cars is very important as it serves as security to the said vehicle in case of car theft. Vehicles not registered can easily be stolen and registered by another person.

Nigerians are advised to register their new vehicles soon after purchase to avoid circumstances that will amount to regret.

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