About Maize and Its Health Benefits

Maize, which is also known as Corn is one of the major food crops in most parts of the world and it contains nutrients that provide the body with great and remarkable health benefits.

Such that helps prevent anemia, cancer and other diverticular diseases, nutrients that help promote eye vision, and helps in weight management, and more.

In terms of popularity, maize is regarded as the most popular of all the cereal grains globally and it comes in various species which is specific to some certain regions.

Though there might be slight differences in the nutritional values due to the different maize species generally they have the same health and nutritional benefits. 


The Health Benefits of Maize are addressed below:

1. Improves the Digestive System

Maize is rich in dietary fibers which are good for the digestive system and it can eliminate the chances of constipation occurring, including bloating and other digestive problems like belching.

Dietary fibers also help to maintain a normal cholesterol level by lowering it when it's high.


2. Boost the Immune System

Maize is regarded as an immune system booster. It helps boosts the immune system because of the presence of Ferulic acid and others which are antioxidants and its properties also help to protect the oxidative damages in the body.


3. Promotes Eye Vision

It is a source of carotenoids such as beta-carotene found mainly in the yellow corn and is good for the eyes because the human body aids in the conversion of the beta-carotene into vitamin A content as well, it also helps in the nourishment of the skin and in the effective function of the immune system.


4. For Weight Management

Maize contains high fiber content which makes one fuller when consumed, thereby making you less hungry with less craving for more food which can lead to weight loss but on the other hand, It contains a high percentage of calories.

It is one of the foods which can be used for weight gain especially when spread with high-calorie toppings such as butter.

It can serve as a powerful source of energy, but consuming it too much is likely not to be good for anyone who wishes not to gain weight and those who are already overweight.


5. Helps to Prevent Anemia

The minerals and vitamins present such as iron helps to fight against anemia and other related blood diseases.

And maize been one of the food crops with a reasonable amount of iron will also help in the formation of new blood cells.


6. Gluten-Free

Maize has no gluten which is associated with most grains like barley and wheat which makes it a good source of food especially for people who suffer from gluten intolerance. 

This makes corn/maize a better option when it comes to other grains as there is no fear of complication from its consumption.


7. Good for the Heart and Bones

Maize contains magnesium which helps make the bones strong and as well enables a normal heartbeat and regulates the blood pressure.  It also helps reduce the risk of heart diseases and many other chronic health conditions.


8. Improves Kidney Function

The content of phosphorus in maize also helps in the normal functioning of the kidney and as well helps maintain the body's cognitive function tissues.


9. Promotes Growth & Cognitive Functions

Minerals such as magnesium also help to improve growth, other vitamins present such as Vitamin B such as vitamin B1 and B3 which is thiamin and niacin respectively is good for the nerve as it helps improve and maintain it, and also improves the cognitive functions which include but is not limited only to memory and reasoning.


Nutritional Values of Maize (corn):

Maize is an energy giving food which contains carbohydrate and other essential nutrients which is vital for the body such as dietary fiber, manganese, calcium, folic acid, protein, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, provitamin A, sodium, and fats. Some of these minerals range from high to moderate and small nutritional contents.







21 g


73 %


   3.4 g


2.4 g


4.5 g


0.2 g


1.5 g


0.37 g


0.6 g


0.02 g


0.59 g

Vitamin A


Vitamin B3


Vitamin B1


Vitamin B6


Vitamin C


Vitamin B2








Pantothenic Acid










Maize (corn) is one of the staple food crops in many countries in Africa, Asia, etc., and can be cooked in diverse ways, it can be eaten whole or used in the production of derivatives for both commercial and industrial use.

Although, maize is of many species the most popular type in many countries remains the yellow and white corn, and it is not only useful as a staple food or snack but it can be used in the production of other food varieties which can be seen in the market such as flour.

Maize or corn is mainly cooked either with or without the husk and salted to taste, but its uses are not limited to just that as it can also be dried and fermented for use as cornmeal.

In industries, maize serves many industrial purposes such as used in the production of cornstarch and liquor.

The nutritional contents of any food are what makes it actually worth eating, and in the aspect of maize, the nutrients may vary in composition and contents depending on the species of maize but generally, maize has amazing nutritional benefits.

Also, it is good to know that these nutrients can be altered during the processing of maize into other different products.



Maize (corn) is one of the food grains which doesn’t only contain many nutrients which the body needs but is readily available in most countries and can be processed into other derivatives or stored after being dried.

The amazing health benefits of maize (corn) cannot be overemphasized and adding it to our diet daily will provide us with numerous health benefits as listed below and more.

  • Improves the digestive system
  • Boost the immune system
  • Promotes eye vision
  • For Weight Management
  • Helps to Prevent Anemia
  • Has no Gluten
  • Good for the Heart and Bones
  • Improves Kidney Function
  • Promotes Growth & Cognitive Functions

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