About Tropical Almonds and Its Nutritional Values

Tropical almonds are popularly called "fruit" in Nigeria and West Africa; it contains certain minerals which are very important to human health because they serve as cofactors for many metabolic processes in the body.

These fruits contain several minerals and vitamins that perform essential functions and add nutritional values that contribute positively to healthy living.


 15 Amazing Health Benefits of Tropical Almond


1.       Reduces Cholesterol

Both the fruits and seeds of tropical almond fruit contain calcium and significantly reduce cholesterol in the body.

Regular consumption of almonds can help to increase the high-density lipoproteins  (HDL) in your cholesterol level. Also, it reduces low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol levels.


2.       Reduces Inflammation

The seed of tropical almond fruit has an oil content that reduces inflammation in the abdominal cavity. Almonds contain two essential fatty acids, which include linoleic and linolenic acids. These two fatty acids help in lowering inflammation all around the body.

Fatty acid also aids in reducing LDL cholesterol levels and improves healthy skin and hair. Therefore consumption of almonds will contribute significantly to reducing inflammation in the entire body.


3.        Promotes Healthy Bone

Tropical almonds nuts are a rich source of dietary phosphorus, vitamins, and minerals. Phosphorus plays an essential role in bone formation and the repair of cells in the body.

Regular and moderate consumption of tropical almonds helps build strong bones and teeth due to their richness in phosphorus and vitamins.


4.        Improves Immune System

Research has shown that tropical almond fruits contain zinc and manganese, which helps in the proper functioning of the immune system and the metabolism of fat and carbohydrate, among others.

Manganese and zinc, essential minerals necessary for the development, growth, and normal functioning of our bodies and the immune system to function correctly are contained in almonds, making them good fruit for your health.


5.        Rich in Fibre

Tropical almond fruits are rich in fiber, preventing the body from certain illnesses. A high fiber intake helps reduce the risk of developing conditions like diabetes, heart disease, constipation, and others.

Therefore regular intake of almonds effectively protects your health from getting ill and keeps you very healthy.


6.        Helps in Pregnancy

Folic acid in the fruit helps iron in the Almond work properly in the body. It reduces congenital disabilities in the newborn, which is an incidence that can be dangerous to babies.

It also helps in stimulating healthy tissue formation and cell growth. Doctors commonly prescribe a folic acid supplement to women during pregnancy to ensure good tube development, keeping mothers and their babies healthy.

Intake of this almond is food for pregnant women due to its richness in folic acid.


7.        Helps in Weight Loss

The monounsaturated fat that is present in almonds aids in satisfying the appetite and reduces eating. The dietary fiber found in almonds aids in keeping you full for a long time.

Also, the fiber contained in it helps erratic bowel movement, which contributes to weight loss.

People who consume almonds regularly are more likely to maintain their ideal weight. Therefore you should consume almonds because it goes a long way in contributing to your weight loss.


8.      Promotes Brain Health

Almonds are a rich source of many nutrients that contribute to the proper development of the human brain. It is considered to be an important food for growing children.

This fruit contains two essential brain nutrients such as L-carnitine and riboflavin, which help significantly increase brain activity, leading to new neural pathways and lowering the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.

Studies have proved that almonds in the diet and as oil benefit the nervous system's overall health and proper functioning.


9.       Improves the Skin

Almonds are also beneficial to our skin health. Almond oil massages are customarily recommended for newborn babies. It helps treat dermatitis, redness, and other skin diseases.

Almond oil is also used in mixing some soap for bathing because it improves skin complexion.


10.     Prevents Constipation

Almonds are rich in fiber, which contributes a lot to preventing constipation. While consuming almonds, drinking water that will help speed up the digestive process and the beneficial effects is essential. 

The amount of fiber in 4 or 5 almonds is good enough to regulate bowel movements and the digestive system. Regular consumption of almonds aids a lot in preventing constipation. 


11.     Regulates Blood pressure

The presence of potassium in Almonds helps in blood pressure regulation and control of blood pressure fluctuation. Other numerous nutrients contained in it also help in preventing many deficiencies.

Balanced minerals and vitamins are needed for a healthy lifestyle preventing body stress, anxiety, and increased blood pressure. Regular eating of almonds will in maintaining a good blood pressure level.


12.  Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Almonds will help lower the rise in insulin and glucose levels in your body after meals.

It offers protection from harmful spikes in blood sugar, which people with diabetes often suffer from food with unexpectedly high sugar levels.

Eating almonds help in controlling the processing and glucose absorption, making the process smooth and safer. Almonds are one of the essential fruit for the control of blood sugar levels.


13.    Promotes a Healthy Heart

The presence of monounsaturated fats, potassium, and protein in almonds benefits the heart's health.

Also, magnesium helps prevent heart attacks, and vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that fights against the risk of heart disease.

Almonds help reduce the presence of C-reactive proteins (CRP) that cause artery-damaging inflammation.

Almonds are an excellent fruit that contributes significantly to achieving a healthy heart. It is an excellent source of folic acid. They aid in reducing homocysteine which leads to fatty plaque increase in the arteries.


14.   Prevents Cancer

Regular consumption of almonds will help enhance food movement through the colon, thereby preventing an increase in colon cancer and its occurrence.

Studies have shown that peanut, walnut, and almond consumption protective affect breast cancer development.

Therefore, it is good to consume almonds regularly as it helps reduce the risk of breast cancer because it contains a substance that can prevent cancer and has antioxidant content.


15.   Rich in Antioxidants

Almonds are a great source of alkali materials that benefit the strength of the immune system and the ability to prevent various health problems.

Almonds are also rich in vitamin E, an effective and powerful antioxidant. It fights against all the harmful free radicals in the body and removes them before it leads to chronic diseases and can be very dangerous.

Studies have shown that a person who takes high levels of vitamin E is less likely to contract any heart disease. Almond is good for your health because it affects immunity-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hepatotoxicity.


Nutritional Values of Tropical Almonds





575 Kcal


21.67 g


21.22 g

Total fat

42.42 g


0 mg

Dietary Fibre

12.20 g


50 ug


3.385 mg

Pantothenic acid

0.47 mg


0.143 mg


1.014 mg


0.211 mg

Vitamin A

 1 IU

Vitamin C

0 mg

Vitamin E

26 mg


1 mg


705 mg


0.996 mg


0.20 mg


268 mg


2.285 mg


484 mg


2.5 mg


3.08 mg


One ug


0 ug


One ug


What are Almonds good for?

Almonds have numerous health benefits, including the ability to protect the heart's health because of the high content of monounsaturated fats.

Almonds help strengthen the bones, protect the skin, helps in controlling blood sugar levels, aid in digestion, and helps in boosting circulation.

They also aid in increasing cognitive performance and lowering the oxidation stress in the body.


African almonds' roots, leaves, seeds, and fruits are generally valuable for our health. Your body can use them to regulate blood glucose in the pancreas of one with diabetes.

It helps to prevent an increase in lung cancer and sickle cell anemia and is used in lengthening ejaculation.

The leaf contains an effective substance for the chemoprevention of cancer and has anticarcinogenic properties.


Side Effects

Although almonds have a lot of benefits to our health, they also have some side effects, which includes;

Excess consumption of almonds can cause constipation and bloating because of their high fiber content. It can also lead to stomach upset. It is not easy to digest; that is why you need lots of water while taking it.

It can also lead to drug interaction if placed on a manganese-rich diet. Because it is rich in manganese, and a high amount of manganese in the body interacts with antibiotics, laxatives, and blood pressure medications.

Excess intake of almonds due to their rich vitamin E can lead to headaches, diarrhea, blurred vision, flatulence, lethargy, and dizziness.

It can also lead to weight gain if consumed excessively because of the high fat and calorie content. So consume less if you are maintaining weight.

Almonds are also subjected to harmful bacteria depending on where it grows, leading to health problems if eaten without adequate washing.

It also has shown allergies in people, which include breathing difficulties, rashes, and others.



Tropical almonds are healthy fruits containing many phytochemical compounds with quality nutritional values.

Additionally, it is an edible fruit that can be eaten raw after that and can crack the nut to get out the seeds inside it, which have protein, vitamin E, and many other nutritional potentials.

An almond is botanically known as Terminalia Catappa. There is no doubt about almond benefits to our health, but being taken moderately is essential.

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