Surprisingly Health Benefits of Editan Leaves

Editan leaves, scientifically known as Lasianthera africana, is a vegetable plant native to the South-South region of Nigeria. The leaf is also known as the Atama leaf in the Igbo language. A significant population of the Efik and Ibibio tribes in Akwa Ibom and Cross River states regularly incorporate Editan soup into their meals.

17 Surprising Health Benefits of Editan or Atama Leaves

This unique plant has numerous health benefits due to its rich nutritional composition, including vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. This article will discuss 17 surprising health benefits of Editan leaves.

1. Powerful Antioxidant Activities

1.1. Protection Against Oxidative Stress

Editan leaf is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds help protect the body against oxidative stress-induced injury, which can lead to various health problems, including Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases. 

Eating Editan leaves frequently can maintain sufficient levels of antioxidants in the body, decreasing susceptibility to illness. 

1.2. Brain Health

The antioxidant properties of Editan leaf are particularly beneficial for brain health. Your brain can benefit from antioxidants as they defend against oxidation-related damage and keep the mind functioning optimally.

Including Editan leaf in your diet can help maintain optimal brain function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases.

2. Fertility Booster

2.1. Increased Libido

In earlier times, Editan leaf was a standard method for boosting the likelihood of pregnancy in both genders. Some people hold the view that it can heighten sexual urges and facilitate fertilization.

Although scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited, many people continue to use Editan leaf for its potential fertility-enhancing properties.

2.2. Improved Ovulation

Women can benefit from Editan leaf as it assists in better ovulation, enhancing their fertility. Although its mechanism is not fully understood, the advantageous impact of the leaf extract links to its rich nutritional content.

3. Healthy Weight Management

3.1. High Fiber Content

One of the significant benefits of Editan leaf is its high fiber content. Adequate fiber intake can promote satiety, curbing excessive food consumption and potential weight increase. Consuming Editan leaf as part of a balanced diet can provide an excellent source of fiber, helping you maintain a healthy weight.

3.2. Improved Metabolism

In addition to its high fiber content, Editan leaf contains various nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, that can help improve metabolism. Sustaining a healthy body weight calls for a reliable metabolism as it converts the consumed food into energy necessary for bodily functions. 

4. Bowel Health

4.1. Digestive Aid

The high fiber content of Editan leaf makes it an excellent digestive aid. Fiber helps maintain regular bowel movements, preventing constipation and promoting overall gut health. Including Editan leaf in your diet can help improve digestion and prevent gastrointestinal issues.

4.2. Growth Promotion in Children

Editan leaf helps promote healthy digestion and growth, so school-aged children should consume it. The fiber in Editan leaf supports the gastrointestinal system, which is crucial for proper development and overall well-being in growing children.

5. Rich Source of Vitamins A and C

5.1. Vitamin A Benefits

Pregnant women are highly susceptible to health problems resulting from a deficiency of Vitamin A, which is a significant issue in Nigeria. This deficiency has increased mortality rates in both mothers and infants. Editan leaf is an excellent source of vitamin A, which can help address this deficiency and improve overall health.

5.2. Vitamin C Benefits

Having abundant vitamin C content, consuming Editan leaf is essential for keeping oneself healthy and resistant to sickness. Consistently consuming Editan leaf can provide your body with sufficient vitamin C, which contributes to overall health.

6. Ulcer Treatment

6.1. Antiulcerogenic Activity

Recent studies have shown that Editan leaf may be effective in treating ulcers. The leaf extract reduces ulcer effects in rats, suggesting that it may benefit humans similarly. The flavonoids, saponins, terpenes, alkaloids, and cardiac glycosides found in 

6.2. Gastroprotective Effects

The gastroprotective effects of Editan leaf can help prevent the development of ulcers and promote overall gastrointestinal health. Including Editan leaf in your diet may help protect your stomach lining and reduce the risk of developing ulcers.

7. Malaria Treatment

7.1. Antiplasmodial Activity

A 2007 study found that Editan leaf possesses significant antiplasmodial activity, which may help treat malaria. The study concluded that the leaf could effectively promote malaria resistance, although further research is needed to confirm these findings.

7.2. Traditional Use

In Nigeria, using Editan leaves as a cure for malaria has been a long-standing practice. While scientific evidence supporting this use is limited, the antiplasmodial activity of the leaf suggests that it may have some benefits in the fight against this devastating disease.

8. Diabetes Management

8.1. Antidiabetic Properties

A 2016 study found that Editan leaf helps control and manage diabetes mellitus5. The study evaluated the phytochemical and hypoglycemic properties of the leaf, finding that it possesses powerful medicinal potential for therapeutic purposes. The hypoglycemic activity of Editan leaf can be used as a supplement by diabetic patients to help manage their condition.

8.2. Blood Sugar Control

Editan leaf can help control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, making it an essential addition to their diets. The leaf can prevent diabetes-induced nerve damage, heart disease, and kidney complications. 

9. Wound Healing

9.1. Accelerated Healing

Editan leaf promotes the healing of wounds thanks to its rich nutrient content and various bioactive compounds. By providing essential nutrients to the body, Editan leaf can help accelerate the healing process and reduce the risk of infection.

9.2. Anti-inflammatory Effects

The anti-inflammatory properties of Editan leaf can also contribute to its wound-healing benefits. Editan leaf can help promote faster healing and reduce pain and discomfort by reducing inflammation around the wound site.

10. Anemia Treatment

10.1. Iron Source

 Consuming Editan leaf is beneficial for obtaining the iron necessary to produce red blood cells in our body. Regular intake of Editan leaf can alleviate iron insufficiency and mitigate anemia, a condition that results from the inadequate formation of viable red blood cells in the body.

10.2. Increased Energy Levels

This food is an excellent choice for individuals prone to anemia, such as athletes, vegetarians, and pregnant women.

11. Analgesic Properties

Editan leaf possesses analgesic properties, effectively relieving pain and discomfort. In Nigeria, the utilization of Editan leaves as a cure for malaria has been a long-standing practice 

12. Antifungal Abilities

Editan leaf has demonstrated antifungal abilities, making it a potentially helpful treatment for fungal infections. The leaf's antifungal properties can help prevent the growth of harmful fungi and protect the body from disease.

13. Antipyretic Activities

Editan leaves possess antipyretic activities, which can help reduce fever and alleviate the associated symptoms. Editan leaf can relieve individuals suffering from fever and other temperature-related conditions by lowering body temperature.

14. Bacteriostatic Properties

The Editan plant leaf can inhibit bacterial growth in the human body. Eradicating and treating bacteria-related diseases allows this method to enhance your well-being and alleviate discomfort.

15. Neurodegeneration Management

Recent studies have indicated that Editan leaf may effectively manage neurodegenerative diseases. The presence of some aspects in Editan leaf can effectively protect and maintain the functionality of the brain.  

16. May Be Good for Malaria Treatment

Editan leaf is a plant native to Africa, known by many names such as the "Tree of Life" and "the Tree of Medicine."The people of Africa have a long-standing tradition of using this plant to treat malaria. Researchers have found that this plant produces antimicrobial compounds which kill the malaria parasite, making it an effective fever treatment alternative.

17. May Help in Ulcer Treatment

Editan leaf is a plant extract used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat ulcers. It is also effective in the treatment of ulcer symptoms. They also use the Editan Leaf plant as a topical or oral supplement.


Editan leaf is a versatile and nutrient-rich vegetable that offers numerous health benefits. From its antioxidant properties and fertility-enhancing effects to its potential in treating ulcers, malaria, and diabetes, Editan leaf is an excellent addition to any diet. Eating this sturdy flora can promote better physical health and heightened well-being.

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