How To Apply For Nigerian Residents Permit And Aliens Card

Resident permit and alien card is a government approval authorizing a foreigner to reside in a country such as Nigeria for a particular period of time; this permit that authenticates and empowers immigrants to live in Nigeria is called Combined Expatriate Residence Permit and Aliens Card (CERPAC).

Immigrants residing in Nigeria are by law to obtain this document in order to guarantee their continuous stay in Nigeria and should renew same at the expiry date.

Nigerian Combined Expatriate Resident and Alien Card is of two types; namely:

·        Green card and

·        Brown card.

The Green Card is given to foreigners who have naturalized in Nigeria while the Brown Card is given to foreigners who have not met the requirements for naturalization but have the intention of residing in Nigeria for a long period.

The guide below will be of great assistance to foreigners who want to get Nigerian Combined Expatriate Resident and Alien Card.

Online payment and registration

·        Pay to the designated bank account as specified online.

·        After that, use the payment reference number in your acknowledgment receipt to log in to the website of the Nigeria Immigration Services and fill the information as instructed in the category of CERPAC form that is suitable for your stay in Nigeria.

Remember the forms vary according to the mission.


Print registration slip and submit

·        Print copies of your registration, including the acknowledgment slip and submit same to the designated office in Nigeria Immigration Services office nearest to you.

·        Submit also three (3) copies of 2x2-inch passport photographs on white background alongside the completed forms. 

·        Attach one of the photographs to the bottom right-hand side of the CERPAC form titled “Receipt and Temporary Card. 

·        Ensure you append your signature in the space provided for it.

·        Affix one (1) facial portrait measuring 4' x 3' (inch) white background

·        All completed forms and documents should be submitted to Immigration State Command for Verification and Clearance.

·        At the time of submitting the completed forms and documents, you will be required to present your original Passport for verification.

When your documents are accepted, verified and endorsed by the relevant Immigration State Command, an Immigration/CERPAC Stamp will be applied to your Receipt and Temporary Card after it has been accessed by Immigration State Command.

·        Go to CERPAC office to capture your Digital Personal Identification.

Note that the requirements for CERPAC vary according to purposes, for instance, the application process for regularization of stay in Nigeria is quite different from that of Students or Nigeria wives.

Go online to get the application process suitable for your request; CERPAC can be renewed or replaced at the expiry of the permit 

Application for resident permit or alien card is very necessary. This will enable the government to know about your stay in Nigeria and will come to your aid in-case of emergency.


However, there is a need for an immigrant to ascertain the type of permit suitable for his or her stay in Nigeria before applying for a permit and alien card. This is because ignorance of the due process to follow will amount to nothing than denial of the permit.

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