How To Obtain Or Renew A Nigerian Expatriate Quota

What is an expatriate quota?

An expatriate quota is a form of government gate-keeping in international trade that emphasizes on the financial value of goods imported in the country within a particular period.

In Nigeria, there are certain guidelines to business permit and quota. The citizens and business department has the responsibility of administering and enforcing the provisions of the immigration act.

The main duties of the departments are to monitor the execution of the quota positions granted in order to ensure effective transfer of technology to Nigerians and issuance of the business permit and expatriate quota positions.

Every enterprise in Nigeria who wants to obtain business permit and quota can do so through the office of Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs. Furthermore, an emphasis is placed on employing Nigerians that will learn and take over from the foreign professionals.

Most times, Nigerians who want to obtain or renew expatriate quota employ the services of agents due to the fact that they are ignorant of the procedure towards achieving that; thereby attracting extra charges.

The guide below will be of great help to people applying or renewing Nigeria expatriate quota.


Requirements for granting expatriate quota in Nigeria

·        Completed Immigration Form T/1

·        Certificate of Incorporation

·        Memorandum and Article of Association

·        Feasibility Report (should be certified or registered with Corporate Affairs Commission

·        Filled Corporate Affairs Commission’s Form CAC 2.3 ^ 2.5 of CAC C02 & C07

·        Original copy of Joint Venture Agreement for partnership venture between Nigerian and foreigners.

·        Original copy of Company’s Current Tax Clearance Certificate.

·        Original copy of lease agreement for C of O for opening premises.

·        Evidence of imported machinery, such as Form M, Invoice, Shipping documents and Clean Certificate of Inspection issued by Government appointed Pre-shipment Inspection Agents.

·        Original license / Permit / Certificate from relevant Government Agencies / department / ministries for the operation or execution of project if company is engaged in oil services, health care services, fishing, mining, constructions.

·        Evidence of work at hand, its duration, and value attached to the contract(s) if the company is engaged in building, civil engineering, construction, etc.

·        Proposed annual salaries to be paid to the expatriates to be recruited indicating designation, names, jobs description, and qualifications. Here, the curriculum vitae and photo copies of credentials of expatriate are to be attached.


  Renewal of Expatriates Quota

·        Completed Immigration Form /T2

·        Original copies of Corporate Tax Clearance Certificate.

·        Original copies of Current Tax Clearance certificate of the expatriate.

·        Expatriate Quota Returns for the three months preceding the date of approval.

·        Detail about proposed Training programme for Nigerians.

·        List of Nigerians understudying expatriate on prescribed formats showing date employed, qualification, etc.

·        List of Nigerian Senior/Management Staffs with their designations, qualifications, and annual salaries.

·        Certificate Current Audited Accounts.

·        Original copy of annual Income Tax Clearance Certificate of the Expatriate staff.


Adhering to this established guidelines to obtain or renew Nigeria expatriates quota no doubt helps an ordinary man to easily obtain this document; and also saves time and money that would have spent in paying for the services of agents.

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