Nigeria Mining Week

VUKA Group organizes the 8th annual Nigeria Mining Week, and it is likely to take place on 16th - 18th October 2024 at Abuja International Conference Centre (AICC), Abuja, F.C.T Nigeria, hosted by the Nigerian Ministry of Mines and The Miners Association of Nigeria.

Nigeria Mining Week promises to deliver an essential platform for key stakeholders in the industry in order to facilitate and accelerate the development of their operations as well as the mining sector in Nigeria.

The event will feature digital activities, one-on-one interviews, podcasts, women in mining assembly, market place and webinars that will connect and engage industry leaders and the global mining community. Connect now to get involved.

When & Location

Abuja, F.C.T Nigeria
16/10/2024 12:00 AM to 18/10/2024 12:00 AM

Event Organiser:
VUKA Group
Abuja International Conference Centre - AICC
+27 21 700 3500

Event Price:

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