Aba North LGA

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Abia North Local Government Area Secretariat, Eziama Uratta, Abia State, Nigeria

Short Description

Aba North LGA is located in the town of Eziama Uratta and many villages make up the composition of the area which some of them are Ogbo, Uratta, Eziama, Osusu, Umuola-Egbule, Umuola-Okpulor and Umuokoji.

Business Information

Abia North Local Government administration is one of the efforts of the federal government through the state government to bring socio-economic development in Abia North and Abia state at large.

This local government has number of executive local council officials including the chairman, councilor and other personnel that stand for them at the state level to get their income and allocation for development which is the main objective of the council creation.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Mondays to Fridays)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Communities under Abia North LGA


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