Ahoada East LGA

Ahoada East Local Government Area, Ahoada, Rivers State, Nigeria

Short Description

Ahoada East Local Government Area has its administrative headquarter in the commercial town of Ahoada ( or Ehuda) and formed the district areas of Ahoada, Akoh and Uppata, making up the local government area.

Business Information

Ahoada East Local Government Area is located in the northwestern part of Port Harcourt city.
This local government area council has several subsections viz: administrative department, works, agriculture, health and education. All the departments work together towards achieving a common goal in the local government.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Mondays to Fridays)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts under Ahoada East LGA
The major districts within this local government area are:


Some other towns and villages located within are:

Better Land
Edeoha etc.

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