Bali Local Government Area

Bali Local Government Area Building, Bali, Taraba State Nigeria

Short Description

Bali Local Government Area is an active LGA in the state with its headquarters in Bali town, with the council are comprising of Bali, Badokoshi, Gang Dole, Gang Mata, Ganglari, Gangtiba, Suntai, Takalafiya, Kaigama and Maihula.

Business Information

Bali Local Government is made up of legislative councils who are responsible for the social and economic development of the towns and communities under its jurisdiction in the lowest levels, consisting of the Executive Chairman, the Councilors and other political subordinates thus existing under Taraba state central senatorial zone with its capital administrative headquarters in Bali town.

Working Hours

Monday to Friday 08.00 am - 04.00pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts Under Ardo Kola Local Government Area
Gang Dole
Gang Mata

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reviewed Bali Local Government Area

Kungana is a ward in Bali LGA.

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