Bursari Local Government Area

Bursari Local Government Area Secretariat, Dapchi, Yobe State Nigeria

Short Description

Bursari Local Government Area of Yobe state is situated in Dapchi town and the area council covers the communities and villages of Bursari, Danachi, Dapchi, Guba, Guji, Metalari kaliyari, Bayamari, Damnawa, Juluri, Garun dole, Garin, Alkoli and others.

Business Information

Bursari local government area is one of the local government areas in Yobe state Nigeria. It has its administrative headquarters located in Dapchi town. The local government is bounded by Bade, Tarmuwa, Geidam, Yusufari and Yunusari local government areas.

The Bursari local government council controls the public administration in the local government area and the legislative council of the local government makes law governing the area.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Mondays to Fridays)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts Under Bursari LGA Includes
Metalari kaliyari
Garun dole

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