Eket Local Government Area

Eket Local Government Area Secretariat, Eket, Akwa-lbom State Nigeria

Short Description

Eket Local Government Area is located in the town of Eket which is under Akwa-lbom south senatorial zone of the state and comprises of the district of Eket Central, Eket Urban and Okon having many villages respectively making up the local government area.

Business Information

Eket local government counts as one of the thirty one local government councils in Akwa-lbom state occupying the southern part of the state; Eket widely known as ldong Mfianwe is blessed with beautiful rich cultural heritage which falls within the tropical zone.
Ekid is the native language of Eket indigenes who are traditionally hunters, farmers, weavers or fishermens. The LGA is richly blessed with abundant resource deposits of natural clay and crude oil.

Working Hours

Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts Under Eket LGA includes
Eket Central
Eket Urban

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reviewed Eket Local Government Area

Am an indigenous of Eket, I love Eket so much, because 1. I'm from their, 2. because they are not poor.

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