Jos East Local Government Area

Jos East Local Government Area, Angware, Plateau State Nigeria

Short Description

Jos East Local Government Area is located in the town Angware with many villages and the major districts of Federe, Forbur, Fursur, Shere and Maigemu.

Business Information

Jos East is one of the seventeen Local Government Areas of Plateau state with its administrative headquarters sited in the town of Angware.

Jos East LGA has number of communities and villages under it which some of them include, but not limited to Jial, Gwaji, Nuku, Rando and Jangam. The administrative head of this local government and the subordinates works greatly towards developing the districts and all villages for the benefit of the local dwellers.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Mondays to Fridays)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts under Jos East LGA


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