Nnewi South Local Government Area

Nnewi South LGA Secretariat, Ukpor, Anambra Nigeria

Short Description

Nnewi South Local Government Area is located in Ukpor Town and the towns that make up the LGA are Ukpor, Ekwulumili, Amichi, Azigbo, Unubi, Osumenyi, Ogbodi, Ebenator, Utuh, Ezinifite and Akwaihedi.

Business Information

Nnewi South Local Government Area has Ukpor as the headquarters and is consist of 10 towns and other sub-towns and villages which made it up.
The LGA is rested upon the shoulders of the Chairman and his Councilors and operates at the lowest level of the government hierarchy, and as well responsible in receiving allocations and collecting revenues from the state government disbursing to its area of jurisdiction.

Working Hours

8am - 5pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts in Nnewi South LGA
Ezinifite and

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