Offa Local Government Area

Offa Local Government Secretariat Igbona Road, Offa, Kwara State Nigeria

Short Description

Offa Local Government Area of kwara state is situated in major town of Offa and the council area is made of districts of Offa, Balogun, Essa, Shawo Central, Shawo East, Shawo West, Ojomu Central, Ojomu South-East and Ojomu North-West.

Business Information

Offa is one of the local government areas in Kwara state Nigeria. It is made up of 9 administrative ward and its administrative headquarters is located in Offa town.

The local government has more recently become well known in Nigeria for being home to Adesoye College, one of the most prominent private schools in Nigeria. It is known to be second largest town in Kwara state after Ilorin the state capital.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Mondays to Fridays)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts Under Offa LGA Includes
Shawo Central
Shawo East
Shawo West
Ojomu Central
Ojomu South-East
Ojomu North-West

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