Ohaukwu Local Government Area

Ohaukwu Local Government Area Secretariat, Ezzamgbo, Ebonyi State Nigeria

Short Description

Ohaukwu Local Government Area is sited in Ezzamgbo town, consisting of districts of Ezzamgbo, Umuezeoka-Ogbo, Umuogudu-Oshia, Amoffia, Ngbo, Okposi-Eheku, Umugudu, Okposhi-Ngbo, Ekwashi-Ngbo, Ukwuagba-Ngbo and Effium.

Business Information

Ohaukwu local government area is one of the local government areas situated in Ebonyi state Nigeria. It has its administrative headquarters situated in Ezzamgbo town. The Ohaukwu local government area occupies the northern axis of Ebonyi state and it is bordered by Ebonyi, Ishiagu and Izza north local government areas.

The Ohaukwu local government area oversees the public administration in the local government and Ohaukwu legislative council makes laws governing the local government area.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Mondays to Fridays)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts Under Ohaukwu LGA Includes

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