Ovia South-West Local Government Area

Ovia South-West Local Government Area Building, lguobazuwa, Edo State Nigeria

Short Description

Ovia South-West Local Government Area is one of the eighteen LGA councils which is located in the town of Iguoba-Zuwa, Ofunama, Ora, Siluko, Udo, Ugbogue, Umaza and Usen.

Business Information

Ovia South-West Local Government Area is regarded as one of the serving LGAs in Edo state with its administrative headquarters in lguobazuwa town.
Ovia South-West Local Government Area counts as the largest LGA by size of area thus bounding Ondo State by the north and the east by Ovia north-east local government area and then to the south by the bight of Benin. Just like Ovia north-east LGA, Ovia south-west local government area constitutes a federal constituency together with Ovia north-east LGA.

Working Hours

Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts Under Ovia South-West LGA includes

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