Ughelli South Local GovernmentEdit ListingUghelli South Local Government Secretariat, Otujeremi, Delta Nigeria
Short DescriptionUghelli South Local Government is headquatered in Otujeremi and consists of 6 major districts and many villages which include Arhavba-rien, Effurun Otor, Eghwu, Okparabe, Olomu, Ughelli and Arhavbarien. Business InformationUghelli South Local Government is among the 25 local government in Delta State housing its headquarters in Otujeremi and consist mainly of six major districts. Working Hours8am - 4pm (Monday - Friday) Registered Nigeria BusinessYes Number of Employees20 and upwards Contact NameChairman Types of ProductTowns under Ughelli South LGA Share This ListingReviews
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