Uhunmwode Local Government Area

Secretariat Building, Benin-Auchi Road, Ehor, Edo State Nigeria

Short Description

Uhunmwode Local Government Area is sited in the town of Ehor, with the district of Egbede, Ehor, Igieduma, Isi North, Isi South, Uhi, Umagbae North and Umagbae South.

Business Information

Uhunmwode Local Government Council is one of the eighteen (18) local government councils in Edo state created on the 27th of August, 1991 with its administrative headquarters in Ehor town forms a federal constituency together with Orhionmwon LGA.
Uhunmwode Local Government Is also bounded to the south by Orhionmomwon and lkpoba LGA, to the west by by Igueben and Esan west and to the north by Owan East and Owna West local government Areas.

Working Hours

Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm

Year Founded


Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts Under Uhunmwode LGA includes
Isi North
Isi South
Umagbae North
Umagbae South

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