Nutritional Diets That Can Help You Overcome Depression

With reference to the physical activities and social attitudes to fight or overcome depression, the type of meals and the dietary contents can help to battle it also.

Healthy diets contribute to depression management and natural disposition, below are some of the nutritional diets that can help you;


1. Foods Rich in Vitamin E

A food rich in vitamin E helps to improve emotional health.

Vitamin E deficiency is associated with depression; therefore foods with high vitamin E contents such as seeds, nuts, green leafy vegetables and more are very important in fighting against depression and promoting emotional health.


2. Protein-Rich Foods

Certain foods that are rich in amino acids that produce body protein help to improve awareness.

Some of these protein-rich foods have an amino acid called tryptophan used in the biosynthesis of protein which will help to produce serotonin a monoamine neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood.

Low in serotonin level is linked to depression.


3. Vitamin A Intake

Regular consumption of vegetables that contain vitamin A helps the human brain to kick depression.

Eating much of these green leafy vegetables has been found worthy to fight against depression and improve brain health which is as more important as physical health.

Green-leafy vegetables are known as nutrient dense inflammation fighter that helps to ward off inflammation in the brain which can cause depression.


4. Vitamin C

Fruits with lots of vitamin C content helps to balance some chemicals in the brain. The natural source of obtaining a good quantity of vitamin C is by consumption of fresh fruits that actually have the content which increases the production of dopamine (a hormone, known to induce happiness), thereby reducing depression.

Our brains need certain vitamins in order to function well and overcome some mental complications.


5. Foods Rich in Vitamin B

In other words, deficiency of vitamin Bs such as vitamin B12 and folic acid can trigger depression while foods or fruits rich in vitamin B helps to prevent depression and associated anxiety.


6. Foods Rich in Folic Acid

Foods that contain folate and active antioxidants help to promote mental health and reduce depression.

Fruits with high antioxidant levels such as green apples, cucumber juice, natural orange juice, red cabbage juice, spinach and so many others improve mental health and combat depression. 


7. Foods High in Beta-Carotene

When we consume foods which are high in beta-carotene, we are prone to have better mood regulation and mental stability.

Spinach, sweet potato, pumpkin and lots of them are rich in beta-carotene content which is known for several health benefits and fighting off depression as well as mood enhancement.


8. Get Enough Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are linked with serotonin, which plays an important role in regulating mood. Carbohydrate craving can sometimes be associated with low serotonin activity.

So, therefore, it is important, that you chose your carbs wisely. Reduce the intake of sugary foods and increase your intake on complex carbohydrates such as whole grains rather than simple carbohydrates like cookies and cakes.

Healthy carbohydrates can be found in fruits, vegetables and legumes.


9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids leads to major depressive disorder. Studies have also shown that people who don’t consume fish, a rich source of fatty acids; are likely to have depression.

So it is necessary that you consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid.

Some of the good sources of omega-3s include flaxseed, canola and soybean oils, fatty fish (anchovy, salmon, mackerel, shad, tuna), nuts especially walnuts and dark green leafy vegetables.


10. Foods Rich in Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known to be situated throughout the body, including your brain. It has also been found that people with deficiency in vitamin D tend to have higher depression.

Studies have shown that people who had symptoms of depression, especially those with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), get better quickly when the amount of vitamin D in their body increases.

So it is important you consume moderate vitamin D foods because it will help in fighting against depression.

11. Selenium-Rich Foods

It has been proved that low selenium leads to poor moods, therefore the recommended amount of selenium should be 55 micrograms a day for adults.

It is good you consume foods rich in selenium that can help in overcoming depression which includes low-fat dairy products, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, lean meat, seafood and whole grains.  


12. Oysters

Oysters are regarded to be an excellent source of zinc, which is an essential mineral for proper function of the immune system. Studies have shown that an increase in zinc intake tends to improve mood while low zinc levels cause depression.

Other sources of zinc include almonds, beef, dark-meat chicken, oatmeal and lobster. So consuming food rich in zinc will help you to overcome depression.


Foods to Avoid

Just as some foods and nutrients are beneficial to people with depression, there are also some foods that might lead to depression that should be avoided.

  • For people with depression associated with anxiety, it is necessary to avoid caffeine. Caffeine makes it difficult for you to sleep and may also cause symptoms of anxiety in many people. It is, therefore, necessary for people with depression to avoid caffeine if possible or reduce its consumption.
  • Also, excessive intake of alcohol may increase the risk of depression or panic attacks. Consumption of Alcohol changes a person’s mood and may turn into a habit, which could be an influence to depression symptoms.
  • Foods that are high in calories with few nutrients may also influence depression symptoms. Foods high in refined carbs and sugar can increase crash, as the energy from them is exhausted, and this can make a person feel energy or mood swings.
  • Refined or highly processed oils such as corn oil and safflower contain lots of omega-6 fatty acids. And having a high level of omega-6s in a diet can cause an imbalance in the body, which promotes inflammation in the brain and also influence symptoms of depression.



Some of our dietary plans help to improve our mood. Though there is no specific food that has been clearly stated to prevent depression but diets mentioned above are packed with mineral contents and several other nutrients that play an important role in keeping the brain healthy and improve mental activities.

A dietary pattern that is been characterized by a high intake of fruits, whole grain, vegetables, low-fat dairy, fish, olive oil and antioxidants will help greatly in overcoming depression.

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