Proven Ways to Relieve Yourself of Stress

When the stress level is high without management for a while, it causes adverse effects on health in different ways by affecting one's behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.


 Are you thinking of how you can be eased from stress! Here are some quick ways of getting relieved from stress.


1. Breathing Exercise 

Breathing exercise is a form of stress management that uses the tummy to help you relax. 


It goes this way; breathe slowly and deeply while putting one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach as you lay on the bed or sit down, make a count and repeat after as many times as you wish. 


This type of exercise reduces anxiety and helps to relax the body from head to toe.


 2. Get A Stress Ball 


A stress ball is a pliable toy that has been squeezed in hand and influenced by the fingers to relieve stress and exercise the muscles of the hand to relieve tension. 

It releases the kinds of energy that you never had before using the stress ball press and release method. 


Stress ball has several health benefits over some methods of stress elimination because as you press and release, apart from gaining strength, it helps you release some accumulated stress.


 3. Go For A Walk 


Psychologists have discovered that they could reduce stress immensely through the means of brisk walk or jogging. 


Walking away helps in several ways to deals with stress and anxiety by relieving build-up tensions and making the muscles get well relaxed. 


Just as we know how practical exercises can be on depression and anxiety, it applies to walking away to ease stress. Brisk walk away will calm you down and relax the brain cells.


4. Avoid Negative Thoughts


Negative thoughts can instigate emotional and mental stress, which leads to depression and anxiety. Still, when you think about your motivations, it strengthens you and gives you reasons to focus and become more productive. 


When motivations become low, stress sets in, but you will feel strong and happy when the reason is high, making your body and mind at ease.


5. Make Sure You Have Enough Ventilation 


There is more a little fresh air can do to relieve you from stress. 

When stressed up, walk outside to receive fresh air or if you prefer to stay inside, open the windows very well for good ventilation. 


Scents from pine trees that release serotonin can make you feel happy and be in a relaxed mood.


 6. Laugh A Little 


When you laugh a little, it does much to relieve stress. Laughter has been considered the most effective stress-relieving medication. 


A little laugh releases dopamine, which response to chronic stress in the brain,, making you have a relaxed mind.


 7. Write it Down and Dispose


Some negative thoughts that put you under psychological stress can vanish by writing them on paper and then getting them disposed of inside the trash. 

This simple practice can lessen the flow of these thoughts in your memory.


 8. Get Enough Sleep 


It is essential to check your sleep hygiene. To reduce stress, you must get enough sleep. So while abstaining from chemicals like alcohol and caffeine, it is also good that you don't watch TV or read any Led screen before bedtime. 


Research has shown that the wavelength and the blue light discharged by smartphones and other devices disrupt the body's internal clock, which can make it difficult for a person to sleep. 


So avoid things that will make you not sleep and make sure you have enough sleep to relieve yourself from stress. 


 9. Make New Friends


Researches have shown that people who feel lonely tend to be at an increased risk of death. Sometimes a little time with friends and family can be what the doctor ordered when dealing with stress. 


So a little laughter, relaxation, and fun with friends can go a long way in relieving stress and tension.


 10. Practice Mindfulness


Mindfulness focuses on the present moment rather than reliving the past or worrying about the future. Applying Mindfulness can help in reducing stress and improve performance. 


So it is good that you zero in on present thoughts, emotions, and sensations to calm the brain and relieve your stress. 


11. Get a Massage 


A message is also beneficial for fighting and relieving stress. Engaging yourself in regular massage can significantly help in reducing stress. 


It can help reduce anxiety, eliminate stress, and keep cortisol levels in control so that your immune system stays in good shape. 


 12. Chew Gum 


Research has shown that people who chewed gum during multitasking situations tend to experience very low anxiety and stress, reduced cortisol levels, and increased alertness and performance. 


Chewing gum can reduce a negative mood, thereby promoting calmness and contentment. Chewing gum also can aid in improving blood flow in the brain, which has a positive influence on relieving stress. 


 13. Listen to Music 


Some specific kinds of music can help in reducing stress. Music can even be used as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of some diseases.


Music can make you feel relaxed, happy, calm, reduce depression, anxiety, and stress, including cortisol levels. 


So it would help if you listened to music because it can help significantly in relieving stress. 


 14. Cut Hard in Processed Foods 


Foods high in refined sugars and white flour cause a rapid increase in insulin levels, thereby delivering a stress hormone. 


Foods like junk, artificial sugar substitute, and fried food with many preservatives also can lead to stress. 


So it is, therefore, necessary that you avoid excess intake of processed food to relieve stress. 


 15. Master Your Stress Signs 


It is vital to know what you usually do when you start to stress yourself much. 

In some people, they do sweat, cut their nails with their teeth, and others.


When you specify your symptoms of stress, you can now know when to go for a break, exercise, take a walk or do some breathing exercise.


16. Learn To Say No 


Always try to say No whenever you feel inconvenient about any additional responsibilities or too busy, and ensure you do that without guilt.


17.  Stay Connected 

Try to spend time with people who keep you calm and happy since doing this can largely contribute to your emotional wellbeing.


18.  Accept You Cannot Control Everything.


As humans, we do not have 100 percent control of the things around us, so, therefore, you do the one you can and find a way to let go of some situations. 


19.  Take Good Care Of Your Body Each Day.

Ensure you eat well, engage in daily exercise, and have enough sleep every night.


20.  Try Out Some Relaxation Activities

These relaxation activities can come in the form of massage, stretching muscles, etc.


21. Set goals for your day

One can do this by been unbothered over specific issues because you owe yourself some fantastic moments. Set goals and always feel more in control of your moment.


22.  Always Give Gratitude

Nowadays, most people hardly count their blessings and things they could accomplish; instead, they dwell on something they could not achieve. Always thank and appreciate what you accomplished.


23. Consider talking to a therapist or clergy about your worries. 

Therapists and church clergy are always eager to give a positive and life-changing opinion on issues, no matter how personal the case.


24. Watch funny comedy

Watching funny comedy is a sure way to beat depression and liven up your spirit a lot. Always ensure to watch comedies that serve as a relief to your mood.


25. Stop multitasking: 

Multitasking can cause a breakdown, so always endeavor to do one thing at a time.


26. Organize worry time: 

From your busy daily schedule, always try and squeeze out time to write down your worries and work through them gradually.


27. Stay Silly: 

Never deprive yourself of playtime and constantly enjoy the moment that comes with playing and merriment.


28. Nature Documentary: 

Try and watch some excellent nature documentaries of any sort you may be interested in in your spare time. It can contribute a lot in lifting your mood immensely.


29. Support someone else  

Supporting someone else will always give you an insight on how to face and overcome your challenges which will help boost self-esteem. 


30.  Visit a museum or gallery: 

Always try and be part of some happy moment. Go to the museum and laugh out loud at some pictures or objects you see presented or displayed in some funny ways.


31. Go Stargazing: 

Lying down and watching a starry night is fantastic. What flows in the mind is pure, which also helps to increase your brain's alpha wave that enables one to relax.


32. Keep a diary: 

Venting all your thoughts and emotions onto a paper, mirror or facing a therapist can make your problems less intimidating.


33. Organize your space

Always keep your environment clean because a tidy room comes close to a tidy mind! Do some words like "cleanliness is next to godliness" make sense? It is always about staying clean.


34. Visualization: 

Always imagine yourself having a good life - an entire life without troubles and stress. Be creative in your head because the mind is a powerful tool.


35. Cook your favourite dish:  

Steadily enjoy life while eating good food, since as you nourish yourself with a good meal, it can help boost your sense of self-worth.


36. Take a nap:  

Most people believe that it is awful to take a nap when everyone is still awake. Do not shy away about taking a nap; it is not just for those above age 65; find time and do it!


37. Hum to the tone of your favourite song

Try and hum to the tune of a song you already know and love with a clear mind. It can uplift your spirit and keeps you in a very positive frame of mind.


38. Have a picnic: 

Go out and catch fun, do some picnic with your family or good friends with likely minds. It can help you live at least some hours of life without stress.


39. Be nice to yourself: 

Always remember in all things, put yourself first. A decision about yourself should come first.


40.  Learn to have a sincere cry from the heart: 

Bottling up your emotions can lead you down a dangerous path, and suppressing those tears increases your stress level. 



Some chronic stressors could be places you dislike, jobs you detest, experiences that make you feel bad, and other related things, don't carry them along with you all day as they could cause havoc instead; ease them off using the tips provided above.

If you care for the natural ways, you can try the tips mentioned above. TRY IT! It can help you alleviate stress.

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