Wants to really lose weight badly? Then Keep this in your mind

Some of the weight-loss diets might be found dissatisfying or not nourishing for those that really want to lose weight badly.

There is a saying that "dropping pound is not always easy" so it is not always easy to deviate from what you are used to.


But the tips discussed here are some of the tips one need to keep in mind when trying to lose weight:

1. Weight Loss Diet

You need some weight-loss diets and at the same time exercises which could burn out unhealthy fats.

The weight-loss plan cannot work without exercise and diet together because you need a diet which can reduce your appetite and increase fat burning; at the same time exercise which will burn extra calories.


2. Be in Charge of Your Food

Take note of everything you eat in a day. Most times calories are often consumed in so many ways which you may not think they are contributing to the amount of calories intake.

For instance, you might take a little of your friend's cookies forgetting that you must burn out calories more than you consume them.


3. Have a Dietary Approach That Works For You

Diet reconsideration should be one of the things clocking in your mind. Make changes in your diet; in this case, eliminate some of the dietary contents.

Substitute diets which are low in protein for beef, dairy food and other high protein contents in your diets. The main successful way of achieving a weight-loss plan is to be mindful of what you put in your mouth each day.


4. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercises and physical activities are hard to overlook. Therefore, search and discover different types of physical exercises and practice them on your own daily.

Physical exercises have a great impact on weight-loss and weight control. It must not be at the gym because some people might want to lose weight but wouldn’t like gym activities.

You can choose some other types of exercises such as walking, hiking, swimming, jogging and others which may appear fun to you while doing them privately.


5. Indulge in Exercises That Increases Muscle

Always bear in mind that you need to add in muscle mass in other to burn off some excess body fats at rest. Wharton postulates that 10 pounds of muscle could burn 50 calories in a day spent at rest.

The simplest thing to do is to try as much to perform those activities that can increase the muscles mass.


6.  Take Note of The Exercises You Do

There are different types of exercises which include gym activities, sports activities, training, races, trekking, dancing and much more which burn off calories at the different amount as the type differs.

Be mindful of the types you like doing because the number of calories that is lost during the process of these exercises is not the same.


7.  Understand Why You Eat

You need to have in mind and also understand why you eat because some people find it hard to understand what true hunger feels like.

When you don’t understand, it makes it harder to control what you eat. Some negative emotions and feelings like angry, lonely, being anxious and feeling bored also lead to the habit of using food to feel better.

So, it is good that you eat when it is necessary and not because you have plenty of foods, or rather eat because you are hungry and not because it is time to eat.

You need to take charge of the situations or feelings which might aid in triggering eating a lot.


8.  Always Eat Protein and Plant-Based Fats

Protein helps to fill you up. And you need to build up lean muscle, which aids in keeping your metabolism from touching more fat.

Research has proved that people in a weight loss program who eat double the recommended daily allowance for protein, will lose 70 per cent of their weight from fat.

Also, plant-based fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts and others are healthy and extra satiating. Diets that are low in fat makes one feel irritable because fat tastes good and also keeps one full for a long time. It is good you eat vegetable combined with little fruit at every meal.


9.  Get More Sleep

When you are tired and worn out, your body tends to crank up the production of cortisol, which is known to be a stress hormone that leads to carbohydrate cravings.

Not getting enough sleep can also increase your levels of Ghrelin, which is a hormone that is connected with hunger while reducing leptin, a hormone that signals fullness and satiety. So to avoid temptation, you should strive to sleep at least seven hours every night.


10.  Change Your Lifestyle

For you to lose weight, you need to permanent some changes to the way you eat. Though it’s ok to do it occasionally, when you cut calories temporarily and then return to your old way of eating, you will quickly gain back the weight.

So it is necessary that you change your lifestyle of eating, research has also shown that one of the best predictors of long-term weight loss depends on how many pounds you drop in the first month, so being stricter for the first two weeks of losing weight is very important to build momentum.


11.   Be Kind to Yourself

It is good you cheer yourself up as an endeavour to lose weight and practice self-care. You also need to reward yourself for building healthy habits.

You need not compare yourself to anyone else but focus on your mind, looking forward to your goals and always give yourself encouraging words to stay motivated.


How Can I Lose My Weight Without Diet and Exercise?

Sticking to a conventional diet and exercise plan can be very hard. Losing weight without diet and exercise can be possible in many ways.

  • Chewing your food thoroughly makes you eat more slowly. And this can lead to decreased food intake and increases fullness. So you should note that how quickly you finish your meals may affect your weight. Eating your food slowly helps to fill you more with fewer calories, which is one of the ways you can lose and prevent weight gain.
  • Using smaller plates for eating can contribute a lot to weight gain, since smaller plates may help you eat less. So bear in mind to always consume your foods with smaller plates.
  • Also keeping unhealthy foods where you can see them can also increase craving and hunger, thereby causing you to eat more. It is better to keep healthy foods like vegetables and fruits where you can see it.
  • Drinking water regularly can help you eat less and also lose weight, especially when you drink it before a meal.
  • Eating foods rich in fibre can also help in weight loss; it helps in reducing appetite and keeping you full for longer. 



Losing weight seems to be single-handed effort but the article above will assist you individually or as a team to know certain things you need to bear in mind while planning to lose weight.

There are lots of weight-loss information online but don’t let them drive you away from these easy-to-apply steps that could go a long way to help.

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