Simple Ways To Look Beautiful Everyday

We are all blessed with natural beauty but when it comes to enhancing our looks with beauty products, that is where most people are confused as regards to what is the best cosmetics or beauty products that can keep them astonishing at all times.

Here are some proven simple ways to present a glowing beautiful appearance for work or preparing for a special occasion and other social activities.


1.  Get a Moisturizer                                                                                       

Moisturizers help to waken the skin and make it look soft and limber.

Washing and moisturizing the skin every night helps to create larger pores on the face, making the face look younger and helps to prevent the blockage of natural exfoliating processes.

Washing the face in the morning helps to keep the face hydrated and prevent the production of excess oil on the face which can cause pimples, acne and sunburn.

Using the right moisturizer for your face is good but make sure you face is free from dirt and oil by washing it off with a clean water before the application.

This will help give your face that perfect look that you so much wanted.


2. Use the Right Makeup

Makeup is very important because it enhances the beauty and general appearances. If you want to appear great each day, you need to use makeup to play up your best features and camouflage flaws.

But have in mind that buying all the brands and types of makeup in the market doesn’t make it work, what matters most is buying the ones that will suit you, the ones you necessarily need.

Know the shades of lipsticks good for you, red lipstick may look good on your friends but pink may be better for you, this is dependent on our type of lips as well.

So what is good for A, in this case, may not be good for B as our characteristics features differ.

Also, our type of skin may play a part as well, as some have oily skin, dry skin, wet skin and more, and as some of the cosmetics and makeup do help to make the face very silky and slippery to touch, others may do the opposite.

So, in this case, it is suitable for those with dry skin to choose an oil-based product and vice versa, and understanding our body will help us use the right products which will make our beauty more radiant.


3. Care for your Hair

Hair is another major factor that adds to outlook and beauty both in men and women. In the case of men, one needs to get a haircut that will suit the shape of the face and give it different styles on different occasions.

This is where most people fail in their beauty tips, some will end up looking forward to the type of hairstyle of celebrities without knowing the type of face shape he/she has got.

Haircuts works with the types of face shape, and knowing your face shape gives the best look at the type of haircut you choose.


For women, you have to take good care of our hair as well. But first you have to understand what kind of hair you have got – is it silky, dry, curly, wavy, straight, oily, kinky etc.

When you know your kind of hair, it will be easier to know how to wash it, the right kind of products to use for it and the best way to style it.


Generally, our hair is one of the things that actually define our look, if it looks shabby, no matter how decent our dressing might look, the shabby nature of the hair affects it.

So one of the ways we can actually look beautiful every day is by making sure our hair looks good first.


4. Groom Your Eyebrows

Grooming of the eyebrows is extremely important for every man or woman to appear nice and look good each day.

It should be kept neatly groomed and well-shaped in order to enhance the beauty of your appearance and keep your brows always looking neat.

Though not everyone’s eyebrow may grow in a good proportion, therefore, you can enhance it by using eye pencils to define the outline and give your brow a healthy and better look.


5. Care for Your Nails

Another important point of view that adds to your daily grooming is your nails. This is a basic beauty process so you should learn how to keep your nails neat, glittering and colourful every day.

To make it look more radiant, you can go to beauty salons for touch-ups, like coating your nails with a nail polish, or having a full pedicure and manicure services if you can't do that yourself.

This process helps to remove cuticles from the nails and fungi and other types of infections on the nails too.

Dirty nails make one look unhealthy and dirty; infants, our nails indirectly tell other who we are. If it looks well groomed or not show our level of hygiene. So to look beautiful every day in our own simple way, we have to make sure our nails are always clean and well cut.


6. Drink Plenty of Water

Being Hydrated is one of the ways of not just being healthy but also promotes our beauty.

Do not substitute water to other drinks especially soda and other sodium-based beverages as it might make you become bloated due to its water-retaining ability.

Drinking plenty of water, at least 8-10 glasses of water every day will not only help in removing toxins from the body but will also help in making you look good by making your skin hydrated, full and soft, as dehydration may cause dry and scaly skin which can make one look old.


7. Wear Suitable Clothes

Do not wear denim because your friends are wearing that, nor wear a tight-fitting cloth because it looks good on them, rather wears what suits you as body type different in this case.

Our body types, gives some parts of our body a distinctive feature, while some are fat or lean, some are tall or short, well built and not.

And for females, we can characterize their body shapes as apple shape (have more fats on the midsection), pear shape (small sized shoulder and larger hips), hourglass shape (small waist, wide burst and hips) and the banana shape (straight from shoulder to hips).

So whichever one we fall into is solely dependent on our skeletal frame, as it is one of the basic things that shapes and structures our body.

While tight fitting clothes may look good on some with an hourglass figure, it will necessarily look awful on anyone with an apple shape, so while our eyes may be on those trendy wears, we should also make sure it will look good on us.

Know your body type and flaunts your best features with suitable clothing.


Should Looking Good Be Limited To Physical Appearance?

Looking beautiful is one good thing that everyone wants, but we should try as much as possible not to limit our beauty only on the outer appearance.

Physical beauty may attract them but our inward beauty is what keeps them. How much kindness and love do we show to people around us? How do we care for them?

Infant, it might be right to say that outward beauty is just an enhancement of our inner beauty.


Can I Look Beautiful Without Makeup?

Makeup is not beauty, it is only an enhancer especially when they are simple and light, and awful when heavy or much, so anyone can actually still look good without it once you groom yourself very well and follow the tips already narrated above.



Looking beautiful isn't that hard, infant, it is one of the simplest things to do when you fully understand the basis.

It is not dependent on how long or short your hair is, or even your physical features once you know what your body type, your skin type and what suits you better.

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