Fashion Design Schools Yaba

Fashion Design Schools

30 Montgomery Road, Yaba, Lagos
0802 351 5255

Creative Options Fashion & Craft School is a reputable craft school that is aimed at teaching fashion designs, shoe making and photography to individuals who aspired to be a fashion designer.

30 Montgomery Road, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
0802 351 5255, 0802 489 5877

Creative Options Fashion And Craft School develops courses to teach people fashion design, dress making, and other vocational skills.

7b, Ogayemi Close, Oko_Agbon Iwaya, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
0705 083 5323, 0702 588 6796

G Star Fashion Hub (GeeStar Fashion) is a male fashion design establishment sewing different styles and teaching people how to make male clothing.

329 Borno Way, Alagomeji, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
0902 651 2590

Hqpattern Academy teaches dressmakers pattern based professional cutting techniques, exposing them on how to style and create beautiful clothing patterns, among other fashion design techniques.

Suite 8, University of Lagos Shopping Complex, University Road, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
0908 038 8968, 0807 970 7704, 0816 259 4399

Kaflox Couture produces, distributes and offers educates people on unisex bespoke tailoring, ready to wear

322 Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
0814 117 0865

MO Fashion Academy is a fashion school that teaches basic foundations of garment productions, haute couture and men's wear fashion.