Lagos Geriatric Medicine Specialists

This directory features a list of geriatric medicine specialists in Lagos, Nigeria, showcasing multiple professionals dedicated to elderly care. Connect with various specialists to enhance the health and well-being of senior individuals through specialized medical services and support. Specialists or professionals can list their services here.

Geriatric Medicine Specialists

Allan Balogun Street, Agungi Lekki, Lagos Nigeria
0906 000 7988, +447940559798

Dr. Olutoyin Ajala MBBS MRCP is a specialists geriatrician with many years of specialty experience in physiotherapy, elderly/ stroke rehabilitation, home phlebotomy/ blood tests and dementia.

Allan Balogun Street, Agungi Lekki, Lagos Nigeria
0906 000 7988, +447940559798

JBS Medicare Services is professional managed by Dr Toyin Ajala, a UK trained consultant in Geriatric/Elderly Medicine, established to fill the gap in elderly medical and nursing care in Nigeria.