Local Government Areas
![]() Demsa LGA is situated in the town of Demsa and the area council consist the districts of Gwamba, Nasarawa Demsa, Bille, Dilli, Dong, Dwam, Kpasham, Mbula Kuli, Bali, Borrong, Barinkin Jatau, Bomni, Bujin Kona, Dakkli, Dem, Donwa, Guri, Kpankpai, Kpasham. ![]() Fufore LGA is a town and also the administrative centre of the local goveenment area, and the area council is made up of the districts of Fufore, Mayo Inne, Gurin,Daware, Malabu, Nyibango, Riba, Verre, Beti, Farang, Karlani, Ribadu, Uki Tuki, Yadim etc. ![]() Ganye LGA is a local government area in Adamawa state located in the town of Ganye, as the area council consists the districts of jaggu, Gurum, Gamu, Sugu, Timdore, Yebbi, Sangasumi, Bakari Gusi, Dabosino, Bagana, Anguwan Kuka, Botoni, Dakpukum Bambi etc. ![]() Girei LGA is situated in the town of Girei & the local government area consists of the districts of Gereng, Jera Bakari, Jera Bonyo, Modire, Vinikilang, Tambo, Darki, Wuro Dole and Damare. ![]() Gombi LGA is a town and doubles as a local government area centre and the area council consists the towns of Gombi, Boga, Duwa, Gabun, Garkida, Gombi North, Gombi South , Guyaku, Tawa, Yang, Lala and Dingai. Guyuk LGA has its administrative headquarters in Guyuk Town, and the area consists of districts of Bobini, Bodeno, Banjiram, Chikila, Dukul, Dunma, Lokoro, Kola, Purokayo, Arah, Bodeno, Dakiti, Doma, Dumburi Fulani, Gadajuga, Gargijik, Gimakurje etc. ![]() Hong LGA is headquartered in the town of Hong and the area council consists of districts of Gaya, Daksiri, Dugwamba, Hong, Kuliyi, Uba, Garaha, Husherezum, Kwarhi, Mayo Lope, Shangui, Thilbang, Bangshikai, Pella, Mbanga, Mugwalar, Shashau, Washim, Zah etc ![]() Jada LGA is a town and doubles as a local government area headquarters of Adamawa state, and the area is made up of the districts of Jada, Koma, Danaba, Leko, Mapeo, Mbulo, Mayokalaye, Yelli & Nyibango & villages like Nadeu, Nagum, Dagula, Jamtari etc. ![]() Lamurde LGA is also a town and serves as the local government area headquarters of the council, as the area covers the towns of Gyawana, Latiya, Dubwangun, Mgbebongun, Ngbakowo, Opalo, Rigange, Kwah, Suwa, Waduku, Jutingal, Kowei, Kubaje, Labawa, & more. ![]() Madagali LGA is the administrative headquarters of the local government area in Adamawa state, & the area council consists of the districts of Madagali, Gulak, Hyambula, Wuro Ngayndi, Pallam, Shemi, Sukur, Vapura, Magga, Duhu, Kirchinga, Wula, Bitiku etc. ![]() Maiha LGA is located in Maiha Town & the area council is made up of the districts of Belel, Mbila, Pakka, Vokuna, Sarau, Humbutudi, Koonkol, Gari, Manjekin, Mayonguli. Tambajam, Alamisa, Bodeje, Jamtari, Boloko, Bungel, Kasagila, Kirdagirma, Wuro Kurori. ![]() Mayo-Belwa LGA is in the town of Mayo-Belwa & the local government area consists of the towns of Bajama, Mayo Lamja, Binyeri, Mayo Farang, Tola Jabu, Binkola, Chukkol, Garu, Gengle, Kauram, Ndikong, Ribadu, Sindigawa, Tugga, Wappa, Yoffo, Gijaro, Labara. ![]() Michika LGA is a big commercial town & doubles as a local government area headquarters and the area council consists of the districts of Bazza, Futa, Garta, Madzi, Michika, Nkafa, Zah, Minkisi, Ghunchi, Jigalambu. Wuro Ngiki, Moda, Diaka, Ghenjuwa, Sina. ![]() Mubi North LGA is one of the LGAs in the state with its adminstrative center in Mubi North made up of the districts&villages of Mubi North, Mayo Bani, Muchalla, Mobu, Bahuli, Cha, Digil ,Didif, Kelluje, Kwa, Jerengol Kotirde, Besto, Gyumbula, Kamnda, etc. ![]() Mubi South Local Government Area is sited in Gella town with the area council consisting of Mubi South, Duvu, Chaba, Girburum, Gella, Gude, Kwaja, Lamorde, Yadafa, Mujara, Nassarawo, Nduku and Mugulbu. ![]() Numan Local Government Area doubles as a town and LGA headquarters with the area council covering the districts of Bakta, Bare, Bodwai, Kiri, Libbo, Dutse, Numan, Shelleng and Vulpi. ![]() Shelleng Local Government Area is located in the town of Shelleng, with the area districts of Shellenge, Bodwai, Bakta, Gundo, Jumbul, Kiri, Ketembere, Libbo and Tallum ![]() Song Local Government Area is a town and also a local government area in the state with the area council consisting districts of Song, Dumme, Dirma, Kilange, Funa, Gudu, Mboi, Kilange, Hirna, Gari, Waje, Suktu, Zumo, Waltandi and Ditera. ![]() Toungo LGA is both a town and local government area in the state and the area council consists of Taungo, Dawo, Kogin Baba, Kiri, Gumti, Bavehi, Kubali, Labore, Sabongai, Kilta, Galabje, Nuibago, Timdoga, Tapare, Tafida, Adamu, Biniji, Ganti, etc. ![]() Yola North Local Government Area consisits districts of Yola North, Ajiya, Doubeli, Alkalawa, Gwadabawa, Karena, Limawa, Luggere, Yelwa, Sebore, Bole, Changala, Wuro Yanka, Goduwu and Gongoshi. ![]() Yola South LGA is sited in the city of Yola consisting districts of Bako, Adarawo, Bole Yolde Pate, Makama i & ii , Namtari, Ngurore, Yolde Kohi, Mbamoi, Namtara, Bbamba, Maalkobhi, Rugange, Sebore, Njoomboliyo, Njombvoli Fulan, Njomboli Fulani etc. |