Mobbar Local Government Area

Mobbar LGA Secretariat, Damasak, Borno State, Nigeria

Short Description

Mobbar Local Government Area is in the town of Damasak, which area council covers communities of Chamba, Asaga, Mobbar, Damasak, Duji, Kaveto, Layi, Zanna Umorti and Ghashagar.

Business Information

Mobbar Local Government Area is one of the 27 local government Area in northwestern Borno State having its administrative center in the town of Damasak. It is bordered by Abadan, Gublo, and Guzamala Local Government Areas.
The Mobbar legislative council make laws governing Mobba local government area at large and its been carried out by The Incumbent Honourable Chairman towards his people.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Monday-Friday)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Towns Under Mobbar LGA
Zann Umort

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