Ohimini Local Government Area

Ohimini LGA Secretariat, Idekpa-Okpiko, Benue State, Nigeria

Short Description

Ohimini LGA is located in the town of Idekpa-Okpiko and the area contains the major district of Onyagede and communities of Ogodu, Enumona, Ogoli, Ogande, Umonomi, Okpiko, Iyaya, Idekpa, Awume and Ikpoke.

Business Information

Ohimini is among the 23 Local Government Area of Benue State domiciled in the town of Idekpa-Okpiko.
The local government got its name from Ohimini River which happens to be the largest river in the council, cutting across the entire local government area.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Monday - Friday)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Towns Under Ohimini LGA

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