Okpokwu Local Government Area

Okpokwu LGA Secretariat, Okpoga, Benue State, Nigeria

Short Description

Okpokwu is one of the local government area in the state located in the town of Okpoga and the area consists districts of Ichanna, Orokam, Otukpa, Owukpa, Okpoga and Edumoga.

Business Information

Okpokwu local government area in Benue State was carved out of the former Idoma Native Autority in the year 1976 during the administration of Olusegun Obasanjo due to the local government reforms throughout Nigeria.
The local government got its name from the River Okpoukwu and has birthed two other local governments since its existence known as Ado local government area and Ogbadibo local government. It is being run by the current Executive Chairman and is being saddled with the responsibility of promoting the Okpokwu LGA to greater height.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Monday-Friday)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts In Okpokwu LGA

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