1st floor Irewolede shopping complex, ojulawe Ilawe, Ekiti State
 0808 497 1877, 0805 955 3109
Abundance ICT College is an ICT awarding institute in IIawe.
 Corpus Christi College, llawe, Ekiti State
 0803 306 5817.
A Catholic College in IIawe Ekiti State.
 Ilawe Catholic Community, IIawe, Ekiti State
 0706 068 8539
A catholic youth organization under the umbrella of the catholic diocese of Ekiti state.
 Remedia College, IIawe, Ekiti State
Remedia College offers quality secondary educational programs in IIawe.
 United High School, IIawe, Ekiti State
A Community High School in IIawe