Gwer West Local Government Area

Gwer West LGA Secretariat, Naka, Benue State, NIgeria

Short Description

Gwer West LGA is domiciled in the town of Naka and the major towns and communities of the area are Naka, Aondoana, Agagbe, Naji Camp, Jimba, Bunka, Kule, Yonov, Mbakpa, Raav, Njiriv, Ingohov, Ikyande and Enger.

Business Information

Gwer West is a Local Government Area in Benue State With its headquarters in the town of Naka and is mostly inhabited by Tiv people.
The Tiv and the Injaha dialect of the Idoma language are the common language of communication in Gwer West local government area.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Monday - Friday)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Towns Under Gwer West LGA
Naji Camp

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reviewed Gwer West Local Government Area

Here west people are peace loving, they are the Tyoshin people, they produce crops such as; Rice, beniseed, maize, guinea corn, soyabeans and tuber crops.

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